Highform is uniquely positioned to assist you during the COVID-19 crisis

Tim Parker
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2020

These are strange times, leading to strange needs. Multifamily developers, property managers, and residential brokerages are being forced to implement 10 years of innovation in 10 days. We want to help.

First, a note to our current clients: we’re here, we’re stable, and we’ve got your back. We’ve long been a remote-first company. Deep-thought professions like programmers, designers, and strategists often prefer working from home. There, they can find focus. Uninterrupted from the minutiae of the day. Pointless meetings replaced by emails. Loud open offices replaced by solace. Our entire team is standing by. Projects commencing as scheduled.

We were made for this moment.

From the beginning, Highform has been a company dedicated to finding ways for technology to better help the real estate industry sell, lease, and operate. In these unique times, we are uniquely equipped to be your digital partner.

We’re working with our clients across the industry to implement a wide array of technologies and strategies. Staying ahead of the curve (and the news) is key. Some recent initiatives include:

  • Virtual tours, virtual tours, virtual tours. This is key. Get high quality, immersive experiences for every unit type and property you have on market (not to toot our own horn, but consider using Multifamily3D). Put these front and center (home page ideal) on your website.
  • Rethink every digital ad you have running. Nearly all of them are likely irrelevant now. Speak to the problems consumers are now facing. As one example, a lot of your potential clients are now working from home at cramped desks. Be the answer.
  • Repurposing video conferencing software as a replacement to giving property tours or open houses. Hosting and marketing “digital open houses” for prospects.
  • Repurpose your website entirely around a digital first strategy. Remove all reference to in-person experiences. “Schedule a FaceTime” instead of “Schedule a Tour”.
  • On that subject, implement auto-scheduling software (Acuity Scheduling is great) to sync your staff calendars with your prospects. Make scheduling video tours and more as easy as possible.
  • A wide swath of your potential customers are at home, bored. Utilize the assets you have to create engaging and entertaining content. Be remembered once our streets open again.
  • Implement easy-to-use project management software (we prefer Basecamp) to keep teams on track, while also observing the intrinsic stress we are all experiencing.
  • Offer unique perks and concessions. White glove, heavily sanitized moving companies have been very successful thus far. Give buyers/tenants peace of mind up front.

Whether you’re a developer, a brokerage, or a property manager: contact us. We can provide advice free of charge, whenever possible. And we can act on your needs faster and more affordably than anyone else.

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A note: Throughout the duration of this pandemic, we are donating 5% of our revenue to nonprofits on the ground in communities most affected. To be clear, this hurts us. We don’t overcharge our clients. But we are committed to doing everything possible to help in this effort. I hope you’ll join us.



Tim Parker
Editor for

A designer, developer, and futurist obsessed with bringing innovation to the real estate industry.