MetaLeap Wins Ethernals & Supported by EthIndia Team

Aditya Agarwal
Published in
2 min readMay 2, 2022

We are excited to announce that MetaLeap’s Ownership & Usage Split protocol won the Ethernals Hackathon conducted in partnership with Devfolio and EthIndia Team.

Big thanks to the final judging panel polygon’s Dev Advocate Rahat and ChainLinks Dev Advocate Richard for their support and belief in us.

NFTs are a hot topic in web3 for a while now. Through NFTs, text, image, sound, and video are introduced to the crypto space as assets with clear ownerships.

It’s clear that utility is the future of NFTs. As the critical difference between fungible and non-fungible tokens, how NFTs can be used will determine their value to the space in the long run.

Keeping this in mind, we know there need to be better ways to split the concept of ownership and usage of NFTs, as can be done for any physical asset. This will solve many problems and solve people from re-inventing the wheel and saving months of effort and thousands of dollars in the development effort.

Secure usage (one-stop solution against phishing attacks), secured renting & collateralization, boosting daily-active users, and giving a low entry barrier for folks new to the project and looking for a trial experience, etc are all possible now through metaleap’s unique value stack, available for free for projects to integrate with.

We’re here to make the ecosystem safer and easier to engage with for all the parties. #WAGMI

If you would like to stay updated or get in touch to learn or would like to contribute however best you can for the cause, please drop by. We’re just getting started and far from perfect, though will reach there speedily. :)

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Also, check out Learning Crypto World, a non-profit initiative by our team members.

