LINER Featured on the iOS App Store!

LINER — Highlight While You Read



Overnight we experienced an explosion and traffic! Our team was a bit baffled by the newfound fame at first. While most Apps have trouble gaining initial traction, ironically we were reverse engineering to find where the traffic was coming from.

LINER was mentioned on a Wired podcast, perhaps that was the reason why we had more traffic? Or perhaps it was the remnants of our Product Hunt campaign — LINER for iOS: Highlight on your iPhone, which ranked in the Top 3 Products that day. Then we realized…

LINER had been featured on the iOS App Store!

While not visible from the front page, we were ranked in the 1st place for “New apps we love”. And not just on the list, but at the very first position!


On the category side we ranked higher than: Microsoft OneNote, Evernote, Google Keep, Google Voice, Docusign, Trello, Cortana, Mega, and Wunderlist in “Productivity”!


While we were all glued to our screen, watching the rank for LINER increasing. We were upgraded from being inside the list, to the Front Page of the iOS App Store! And once again featured at the very first position!


After we were unexpectedly featured on the US iOS App Store, we were also contacted by the Korean iOS App Store and are being considered for the main “Hero Banner” on the US iOS App Store!

Thanks for all your support! Happy Highlighting~

