Liner Ranked #2 on Product Hunt!

Sung Cho
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2015

Good news. We launched Liner on Product Hunt, and ranked as #2 on last Thursday. Product Hunt is a curation of best new apps every day.

It all began with our supporter Violeta Nedkova hunted the app at 2:30am PST, with the following line:

If there is anything I love more than sticky notes, it’s highlighting things. And collecting articles. No Android version yet, but there is hope. And, by the way, the makers are really cool.

We couldn’t go to bed since it was like watching a horse racing. As people voted up, the rank went up and down. Finally at 4:30am I fell asleep, and woke up in 2 hours to see Liner was ranked #1 on Product Hunt!

People left positive comments (as below) on Product Hunt, and sent us encouraging messages through Twitter as well.

Amy M Jones — Cartographer:
YES!!!! I collect quotes all the time for my businesses and this looks most exciting. Normally I just screenshot everything and then have to type it out. Pumped to explore this.

Again, here’s the screen shot of Thursday’s Product Hunt result.

Liner finished as #2 on Product Hunt

After than, we got interview requests, and Gizmodo featured Liner app among the weekly best apps, with the following review.

I like taking notes. I always found it strangely cathartic when in college. “Oh, an important passage? I BETTER HIGHLIGHT IT.” But on the web, keeping track of bits of facts or lovely phrases can be kind of tricky. Liner takes a lot of the clunkiness out of annotation online by giving you ways to highlight the web. And the real seller for me — integration with Evernote.

What do you want to see happen in the next release? We have several feature improvement items in the queue.

  1. Browser Extension (Chrome, Safari, Firefox)
  2. Android Application
  3. Mac Native Application
  4. Anything else you want?

Please leave a comment here, or send your opinion to!


