The Best Productivity Tool for Entrepreneurs

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2 min readFeb 9, 2017


1. Working in Uncharted Territory

An entrepreneur by definition works in uncharted territory. We have no idea if people would want to sleep in stranger’s houses (AirBnb), whether people would buy books online (Amazon), and if people will ever feel secure enough to send money via email (PayPal).

While we could go ahead and blindly jump on every micro-experiment. A startup only has a limited amount resources. A feature can be quickly built and fail fast. However, the mindset of the feature is harder to kill.

Does this feature need a bit more time? Have we run enough tests? Maybe we’re just not targeting the right community. In an environment that is based on an uncertainty, what we need is more thought, not action.

2. Task Oriented To Do Lists

Being a productivity junkie, I’ve tried various To Do Lists to try to organize the ever piling tasks an entrepreneur has to deal with. First starting with, moving on to Trello, experimenting with Habitica, and finally testing the waters on Wunderlist.

Sadly, most To Do List are focused on ticking off small tasks, instead of cultivating deep thought. There seems to be a greater joy associated to checking off menial tasks than investing 3 hours on before deciding on even creating the task.

Which is why we need to have a To Do List WITH a powerful note-taking application to organize our thoughts. That productivity tool is Evernote.

3. Using Evernote as a To Do List

Of course the first thing that comes to mind is, how do you even create a To Do List on Evernote? You can easily create check boxes using the shortcut CTRL+ALT+C (Windows).

On Evernote you’re not confined to columns and tasks. You have an entire blank canvas to organize your thoughts and share notes to your colleagues for feedback, before you create a single task. Time is an entrepreneur’s most valuable resource. We can’t waste time on tasks that won’t scale.

4. Feel free to learn more about Evernote To Do Lists here:

