Steve Jobs was Obsessed with Bicycles

Read, Highlight, and Share with LINER

2 min readFeb 27, 2017


The reason why Steven Jobs was obsessed with bicycles, is because once humans have a bicycle they become the most efficient long-distance travelers on the planet. “Computers” are like bicycles in that they enable humans to become super efficient.

MAN ON A BICYCLE ranks first in efficient among traveling animals and machines in terms of energy consumed in moving a certain distance as a function of body-weight The rate of energy consumption for a bicyclist (about 0.15 calorie per gram per kilometer) is approximately a fifth of that for an unaided man (about 0.75 calorie per gram per kilometer). With the exception of the black point representing the bicyclist (lower right), this graph is based on data originally compiled by Vance A. Tucker of Duke University.

Our brains are terrible at remembering things. Do you remember how much your paid for you lunch yesterday? Can you repeat your last spoken sentence word-by-word? What was your outfit 3 days ago?

It’s better to get a second brain. One option would be to visit your local supermarket and search for the fresh brain section (also make sure they are organic brains). If you can’t find any you can settle for the similar looking walnuts or opt for a digital brain.

Evernote (a Note Taking App) can serve as your secondary brain. By exporting your knowledge to Evernote you finally have the chance to stand on the shoulder of giants: build upon your ideas, iterate on your thoughts, and connect obscure ideas.

If notes correlate to your knowledge, then how do you increase the value of your notes/knowledge? You can increase the value of your notes by investing more attention to your notes. Highlight your notes using tools like LINER. Summarize your notes to the key points. And merge two documents and create a new document.

Make yourself smarter by getting a Bicycle/Computer/Evernote that will make you the most smartest person on Earth.

