#GivingTuesday: 6 Ways to Help Us

Rethinking Schools
Highlighting Generosity
3 min readNov 29, 2016

We have raised $21,040.73 through donations since the election. Thank you to all our new and continuing supporters!

Before we move into 2017 we need another $58,959.27 to continue our work in these difficult times. Now more than ever people are looking to Rethinking Schools.

The week Trump was elected, we received emails from Rethinking Schools supporters across the country. These were summed up in a warm note from Tedra Matthews Redhorse of San Francisco: “I look to you when I am lost. Your good work is a light in the darkness.”

Our magazine and books inspire and teach, but we know we need to reach thousands more teachers and activists in the months ahead.

Please help Rethinking Schools in whatever ways you can. As a non-profit organization, Rethinking Schools relies on the support of our community to publish our magazine and books at affordable prices for those who need our inspiration and analysis of issues affecting our students.


Become a sustainer.

Donating to Rethinking Schools every month at any level helps us continue to work on supporting social justice teaching across the country — and world!

Already a sustainer? Please considering increasing your monthly donation by 20%.



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If you absolutely must use Amazon for certain things, please purchase through smile.amazon.com and a portion of your purchase comes back to us.


Donate your car, motorcycle, boat, truck, RV, Jet Ski or snowmobile to Rethinking Schools and receive a tax deduction. This no-cost, no-hassle process begins when you contact our fundraising partner Donation Line LLC at 877–227–7487. Make sure to ask for our extension 1883. Or you can click and complete the Vehicle Donation Form online.

“We said good-bye to an old friend this week. We bought our Subaru wagon in 1996 and for over 20 yeas it served our family well. As the business manager at Rethinking Schools, it also served Rethinking Schools well. I picked up editors at the airport for our national meetings here in Milwaukee. Hauled food for meetings and fundraisers. Overloaded with boxes of books and magazines, it took us to conferences in Chicago, Madison, and Minneapolis. The engine was still running great, but a rusting body held together with bumper stickers, and a leaking gas tank and failing brakes, spelled the end of the road.” ~Mike Trokan, retired Rethinking Schools business manager


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Share our articles, blog posts, social media posts, and the magazine that arrives in your mailbox. By spreading your love of Rethinking Schools you build up and inspire the community around you. Contact your library and ask professors in your network to use Rethinking Schools materials.


Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and join in discussions with our community of social justice educators and activists.

Originally published at rethinkingschoolsblog.com on November 29, 2016.



Rethinking Schools
Highlighting Generosity

Nonprofit magazine & book publisher dedicated to sustaining & strengthening public education through social justice teaching and education activism. #SoJustEdu