Nothing goes waste, you will get back sooner or later

Surbhi Aul
Published in
5 min readAug 8, 2018

In today’s world everyone is so calculative and wants to spend each minute only if there’s a benefit out of it. We all are so busy in doing nothing or everything that we don’t realize what we must have gained and the value of time spent on each activity that we undertake.

Till date I have lived for 11,180 days of my life. When I look back, I realize each day was a new learning for me. It depends on us to take our earnings either by any force or with our passion. We can learn from our experience ,our mistakes or from seniors as well as a kid on the street. And the list goes on…..

I believe “Life is the best teacher, because It takes your exam first and then teaches you a lesson”

Here are few stories which I would like to share where I have learnt lessons in each phase:

Story 1:

In the 5th standard, I had to learn cooking and cleaning from my Grandma.I felt irritated many times and shouted at her. I never wanted to learn all these things at that point of time.

She used to share about her family, how they studied, how they came to India during partition. Of course, I never understood and kept wondering “Why is she telling me all this?”, ‘How is it relevant to me?’

Days Passed, Grandma passed away when I was in 10th standard.

I stayed in a joint family with my Grandfather. He liked food prepared by my Grandma. I had a privilege to cook for him, I had seen my Grandma cooking food for him, So I knew what was his preference.The technique of cooking learnt from by Grandma in these many years, helped me, making my Grandpa happy.

Now I realize that her motive was not to make me a household girl but she wanted me not be dependent on someone else for your basic needs and you can actually make someone happy with a small gesture.

Lesson learnt: Being IndependentStory 2:

My first job was of data entry as computer operator. Of course that job was not of my choice, it was more of a chance to step into the outer world and earn. I was eager to know about the corporate world. That point of time, money was major source of my happiness. My parents thought that I was wasting my time. I was not worried as my complete pocket money came from the Job.

Later in the year 2008, I started working as a Test Analyst, a job of my choice. As a tester, my job profile demanded me to make many testing documents. I used to complete 3 hours of task in 2 hours. Since, I had fast typing speed, my testing documentation effort was less. When I was in 1st year of my college, I struggled to search letter on the keyboard. Later, I realized how my job as computer operator had polished my typing skills.

Lesson learnt: Unfavorable choices can benefit us in different waysStory 3:

Now, I work in an IT firm and handling team for 4 years. In my experience, I have noticed, when someone gives us task apart from our Job role, we have a tendency to think twice before taking it up. There is a certain hesitance in taking up a new thing beyond job description. Sometimes, we feel that there is no benefit of doing the task which doesn’t give us money. We are always very happy doing continuous work.

Recently, I came across two instances while I was helping my team to think out of the box and learn new things. I asked my team to have a session once in a week. The session was of watching videos on You tube, team were allowed to watch any video, be it motivational, comedy, short movies or anything. It worked out for 1–2 weeks then people started missing the sessions, Team thought, it’s waste of time as they can do some other project related work. All these expressions were quite visible and often.

Eventually that practice got vanished. I thought, Okay! let us try something else.

Then I asked them to work on presentations. The task was related to giving Presentation on their projects, once in 10 days. Later on I gave them option of presenting on any random topic, thinking they would be interested in that.

I wondered, why my team was thinking that all these activities were just a waste of time?

I thought let me give them a common example which I am going to share in this post.

Remember, in the school times after every prayer some of the students used to read out news in front of everyone.

Damn !!! I remember how hard it was for me to read out news in front of the whole crowd. I used to get so nervous and I am sure lot of you will echo me here. Even, after practicing for an hour or so in front of mirror also, I never liked to do this.

Have we ever thought motive behind this exercise?

One of the motives of this exercise was to get awareness, another motive was to increase the level of confidence, so that he/she can stand in the crowd and speak. We were slowly getting out from our comfort zones & were learning new words, improving communication and our confidence to speak in front of a large crowd was getting better.

The intention of giving the additional tasks to team, apart from our routine activities was to help us gain knowledge, trying different modes.

Lesson learnt: Keep learning & growing without thinking of ‘what is in it for me?’

we never know there can be hidden benefit for us which we will realize later. The tasks or actions we do, adds to our knowledge and experiences bucket which later help us building new facts, new ideas and new opinions.

So overall, I would like to convey that,“Bad experiences are lessons and good experiences are memories” that we get in our beautiful lives.

This was my motive in this blog and I again repeat “Nothing goes waste, you will get back sooner or later, it’s just that we should be ready to learn something from it”.

Thanks you all for reading this. Please do comment, share and like

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Surbhi Aul

Test manager by profession, m interested in creative and different stuff. For me Success is Passion + Enthusiasm. Like to share my knowledge by posts or blogs.