PLUG N FIND US — Mobile Application Testing- A way to Test coverage

Surbhi Aul
Published in
4 min readAug 8, 2018

Many times I have been struggling to find an answer about Test coverage. We all know the formulae to calculate. What if someone asks us: Have you performed Test coverage?

The usual answer would be: Application is tested with all the important features and as per requirements.

Sometimes we face difficulty in defining Test coverage for Mobile application testing where we juggle with multiple components in one or multiple devices..

Let’s first start with understanding of Test coverage. Test coverage is a method to evaluate our test cases for the coverage of application feature.

It is not possible to have 100% coverage. Importantly 100% Test coverage doesn’t mean, application is 100% bug free.

To have the traceability or coverage, we should be aware of Test coverage of the tested application.

We get to know the status of our application by defining proper Test coverage. It helps us to:

  • Find the areas/functionality that are covered or not by Test scenario.
  • We can create more test cases to increase our Test coverage.
  • Test coverage helps us checking quality/ stability of the application.
  • It plays an important role to maintain the Traceability.
  • Test coverage provides us an answer whether to proceed with the application release.
  • It helps us preventing Defect leakage and many more benefits.

I am sure the benefits mentioned above are enough for us to start defining the Test coverage for Mobile app.

We can perform Test coverage in two ways Static and Dynamic. In this post, let’s talk about Test coverage in Dynamic way for Mobile testing.

Basic formula to calculate Test coverage is

Number of items covered / Total number of features * 100

This formula seems simple and works with the knowledge of sample set of items or total number of items covered for any Mobile application.

After referring few sites and in one of the Mobile Testing workshop, I came across an interesting method –


which is adapted from James Bach’s SFDPOT. These letters will help us in calculating Test coverage for Mobile testing,be it for Salesforce platform or any other. We twisted the concept based on our need and I am presenting it to you in the form of mind map.

As you can see in the above image, each word holds a Letter and each letter will have more branches.

We will expand this diagram to make it much easier to understand.

PLUG N FIND US — These 4 words with 11 letters can help us finding out Test coverage for any Mobile application.

P for Platform

L for location

U for Usability

G for Gestures

N for Network

F for Functionality

I for Interruptions

N for Notifications

D for Data

U for User Interface

S for Security

“PLUG N FIND US” model helps for Mobile application testing-Test coverage.

This idea of “PLUG N FIND US” will help you to get start with test coverage for Mobile application which consists of all the possible features of Mobile application. You can definitely add more letters to elaborate Mobile testing.

Check out this link PLUG N FIND US to view complete Mobile testing mindmap

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Surbhi Aul

Test manager by profession, m interested in creative and different stuff. For me Success is Passion + Enthusiasm. Like to share my knowledge by posts or blogs.