Broadcast — send bulk email with Highrise

Nathan Kontny
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2015

Highrise has lived by the mantra of helping people track who said what, to whom, and when. Since day one of its release almost 8 years ago, Highrise has worked well with email clients of all types using your dropbox address. We took that up another level by automatically connecting to your email accounts like Gmail and we’re working on more connections in the near future.

But one aspect of “working well with email” has always had a bit of friction.

As we talk with customers each day on how they use Highrise, one thing comes up time and time again. Bulk email. All their contacts are in Highrise, tagged, and attributed with custom fields. They filter those contacts down into smaller lists, export them to a file, and reimport them to a bulk email tool to send them an email. They then have to use that 3rd party bulk email tool and its own set of integrations to get data back into Highrise: who clicked the email, who unsubscribed, whose email address doesn’t exist anymore. So many steps, for what should be an easy task — sending a group of people a simple email.

We wanted to remove all these steps and friction. So today we’d like to introduce you to Broadcast.

Just select multiple contacts you want to email, click the Email tab:

Write your email:


And hit send.

You can use the contacts page to select all contacts with a specific Tag, people matching a certain filter, or just people named Jim, because Jims get 20% off today.

The email composer is simple: no dragging and dropping of dozens of kinds of elements, not hundreds of themes of which none look quite right. If you really want to get advanced you can use the Edit HTML button to add your fancy design. But if your needs are simple, we stay out of your way.

You can also use your pre-composed email templates and merge in fields to your emails: people’s names, where they work, custom fields, etc.

If you want to see how your emails are performing, just click the Broadcast tab in Highrise:

We track opens and clicks. Click those percentages and you’ll get specifics of who opened or clicked. If emails bounce or get marked as spam, we automatically unsubscribe that contact, which will be shown in the contact’s sidebar:

Broadcast is available to all Highrise paid accounts past the 30 day free trial.

We hope Broadcast simplifies your workflow and multiplies the value you get out of Highrise. And we hope you get as much use as we have already from it. There’s plenty more in store for it in the near future (images/attachments/scheduled delivery/etc). If you need more help using it, there’s some instruction and video using it: here.



Nathan Kontny

Y Combinator alum. Created Draft ( Watch: Previous: Highrise CEO, Rockstar Coders CTO