Make Sales and Hand-Offs Easier

How to make sales and hand-offs easier with Highrise and Process Street

Benjamin Brandall
5 min readFeb 8, 2018


Photo by on Unsplash

Unlike in the old days of Microsoft dominance, businesses now use a stack of disparate tools to get work done. On one hand, this allows for a huge amount of flexibility. On the other, it creates communication breakdowns between your tools. To pass data between apps that weren’t built to communicate with each other, you’ll need to use an integration tool like Zapier.

Highrise’s Zapier integration connects Highrise with over 1,000 other apps. It’s like having your own set of rules working in the background, such as: “whenever we get a new email subscriber, create a lead in Highrise”.

This is great for keeping your records centralized, and also for facilitating processes for you or other teams via Process Street.

Process Street lets you create any process for your business, assign checklists to your team, and track their progress. You can systemize employee and client onboarding, sales processes, and anything else you can think of.

In this case, we’ll make the hand-off between sales and customer success easier by automatically running client onboarding checklists for each new high value customer.

Zap #1: run a client onboarding checklist for new tagged contacts in Highrise

Let’s dive into the use case:

Microsoft has recently become a client, and you want to run a new client onboarding checklist, automatically populate it with Bill’s info, and assign a member of the customer success team.

For this, we need to set up a connection between Highrise and Process Street by using Zapier, a simple platform to build “rules” between two or more apps.

Sign up for a free Zapier account here, and then hit “create a zap!”.

Choose Highrise as the trigger, with “New Contact” selected.

Connect your Highrise account to Zapier by going to the integration tab in your Highrise settings, like this:

Inside, you’ll find an API key you can paste into Zapier to sync the accounts.

Once you’ve got your account connected, continue and specify the tag you want to use to run client onboarding checklists. In this example, I’ve gone with ‘highvalue’. This tells Zapier to run a checklist when an existing client is tagged with ‘highvalue’.

For the second part of the zap (that’s right, you’re halfway through!), we’re going to set Process Street as the trigger. You’ll need a free Process Street account to continue, and make sure to add this client onboarding checklist to your account:

Now, choose Process Street and select “Create Checklist” from the Zapier action menu:

Connect your account with Zapier by using an API key found in your organization menu, here.

In the next part of the zap, you’ll find the checklist’s form fields that you can populate with data from Highrise, like client name, client email, and CRM contact ID. This helps you centralize information and avoid wasting time switching between apps or doing manual data entry for handoffs.

Click the fields button and select Highrise data fields from the dropdown. Below, I’ve added the contact name as the checklist name.

…And filled out the client’s info in all available form fields:

After you’ve filled out the field variables, all you have to do is run a test in Zapier and then go back to check Process Street has created a checklist.

Here’s what you’ll see:

Now, every time you tag a contact ‘highvalue’ in Highrise, you’ll automatically assign an onboarding checklist to a member of your customer success or client services team.

But, we want to keep the checklist URL handy while inside Highrise, too. For that, we’ll need to create another quick zap that passes the checklist URL back to the contact’s notes in Highrise.

Zap #2: pass the checklist URL back to Highrise

This zap will update the Highrise contact tagged ‘highvalue’ with a link back to their onboarding checklist, so it’s easy for reps to find what they’re working on.

Make a new zap, with Process Street’s “New Checklist” as the trigger.

Set the template to the same onboarding checklist you specified in the first zap.

Now, choose Highrise’s “Find a Contact” for step 2. This allows Zapier to cross-reference the client’s email address and find where to paste the URL.

Insert the email address variable into Zapier’s field.

For the third part of the zap, choose “Create Note for Contact” as the Highrise action.

Set the name of the note as “Checklist:”, or any custom title you’d like. Then add the Process Street link variable to the note text.

The last step is to run a test.

Go back into Highrise to check out your test contact, and you should see a link back to their onboarding checklist:

That’s everything you need!

To take it further, you could also create zaps that trigger contact note updates when different tasks of the onboarding checklist are checked off; this would give every Highrise user an easy indication of progress.

I hope this helped you set up a solid onboarding process into your Highrise account.

If you want to start building better connections today, start a free 30 day Highrise trial. Then create better workflows for you and your team to handle your interactions seamlessly with a free Process Street account.



Benjamin Brandall

marketing @trychameleon. Appears on @techcrunch / @thenextweb / @fastcompany