Microsoft Integration

Lynette Kontny
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2017

Highrise has always supported any email system with the use of a ’dropbox address’. You can bcc your Highrise dropbox address when sending an email to file it in Highrise. And if you click on an email address in Highrise, your default email service will open with your dropbox address automatically bcc’d. You can also forward or auto-forward incoming messages using the same address, so you can get both outgoing and incoming email easily into Highrise.

But we’re always looking for how we can save steps for our users.

Today we are thrilled to announce an integration with Microsoft Outlook, which allows you to send email directly from Highrise when you connect a Microsoft Office 365 or mailbox to your Highrise account.

Not only can you send email directly from Highrise, but you can set up auto-forwarding to receive emails in Highrise too. This allows you to work from a single place without having to switch back and forth between multiple apps and browser windows to manage your leads and make your follow-ups. You can also send from shared email accounts like support@ or info@ and use Highrise with your team as your group inbox or support queue to make sure nothing gets dropped. You can even create individual email signatures and email templates to help ensure consistent messaging and shave time from repetitive responses.

And don’t worry, if you use Gmail or a Google Business account, you can do the same things.

We know there’s a lot of Highrise users who use Office 365 and we hope this makes your daily flow with Highrise even easier. Check out our blog post on how we use Highrise to respond to our inquiries, and please feel free to get in touch with any questions or feedback at

P.S. If you need a no-hassle system to track leads and manage follow-ups you should try Highrise.



Lynette Kontny

@1password Customer Champion. Formerly COO of @Rockstarcoders & @highrise , writer, editor, organizer, mom…