Find Whom You’ve Talked To

More activity filter improvements

Lynette Kontny
2 min readDec 5, 2017


Awhile back, we redid the Contact Filter user interface and introduced additional functionality for View filters so you can see which leads or contacts HAVEN’T been emailed or tagged or who don’t have a note within a certain timeframe.

While that’s been well received, we’ve found ourselves (and others) also needing the reverse. So today, we’re announcing the ability to filter on contacts you HAVE emailed recently:

Or who you HAVE made a note on within the last month:

Or whatever granularity you want to see.

With the changes, we tweaked the contact filter menu slightly so you don’t have to scroll to get to your options.

And stay tuned, if you find yourself using the filter menus a lot, we have another feature you’ll love coming right on its heels…

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Lynette Kontny

@1password Customer Champion. Formerly COO of @Rockstarcoders & @highrise , writer, editor, organizer, mom…