Template Testing

Test templates for your bulk emails…

Lynette Kontny
2 min readMar 15, 2018


As we use Broadcast bulk email to send new and different types of messages to Highrise leads and customers, we find we are using templates more and more:

One of the things we found slightly annoying was having to be in the act of sending a Broadcast in order to test the message and experience the email as recipients. So today we announce the ability to test templates:

Highrise will pull the last contact from your Recent contacts and use their information to populate any variable fields:

We have found this saves a ton of time in preparing, rather than having to create a Broadcast or send yourself an email just to test out the look and feel. Hope it helps save you a step or two as well!



Lynette Kontny

@1password Customer Champion. Formerly COO of @Rockstarcoders & @highrise , writer, editor, organizer, mom…