Tip #15: How to Segment Your Contacts to Send a Broadcast message

Alison Groves
Published in
2 min readMay 25, 2017

You can email any of your contacts in bulk using Broadcast in Highrise. There are almost infinite applications of Broadcast because every business has different needs when communicating with their customers.

One of the benefits of emailing people from the same place where you have all of their information is you can really break them down based on certain criteria.

Maybe you have a custom field with a certain value that you’d like to isolate and reach out to people with. Or maybe you would like to reach out to any of your contacts who live in a certain city.

Whatever the information may be, in Highrise you can simply filter and email.

Example on filtering by city

Let’s say we wanted to send an email to all of our contacts who live in Nashville, Tennessee. We’ll need to locate them, select them all, and then we can email everyone all at once who lives in that particular city.

  • From the main contacts page, click Add filter by field
  • Choose City and then enter the name of the city you want to filter by
  • Now click Select Contacts: On This Page
  • And if more than 50 contacts meet the criteria, you will be prompted to select all contacts
  • Once all contacts have been selected, click the Email tab

These same steps can be repeated for any information you have in your Highrise account, including state/province, tag, or custom field you have set up.

With only few clicks, you can take the information you already have in Highrise to communicate with people in the most meaningful way possible.

Need help segmenting your list to send a Broadcast message? Send us an email and we’ll be happy to help.



Alison Groves

Customer Champ at Help Scout. Amateur homebrewer and vinyl collector. Semi-pro sports yeller. Professional helper. alison@helpscout.com