Tip #29: Transfer Contacts Between Two Highrise Accounts

Chris Gallo
Published in
1 min readAug 31, 2017

How can I migrate my information from one Highrise account to a new account?

There are multiple reasons why you might want to transfer your Highrise information to another account:

  • your company needs separate accounts for different departments
  • you’re leaving your company, and want to transfer your contacts
  • you’re consolidating multiple accounts into one account

Whatever the reason, transferring your contacts between accounts is a straightforward process. Export and import.

Here is how we recommend you do it

  1. Export the contacts from the current account in multiple-person vCard format
  2. Once exported, import this file into the new Highrise account
  3. Check the contacts are imported correctly

You do also have the option to export in CSV or Excel format. The vCard format is recommended because all fields are kept in the same exact format as shown in the previous account. It’s faster than CSV or Excel format.

Right now, only contacts can be transferred from one account to another account. There isn’t support to import notes, emails, cases, deals, or tasks at this time. We do know that would make things a lot easier, so please stay tuned for updates.

Questions? Please send our support team an email and we’ll get back to your as fast as we can.



Chris Gallo

Write about customer support and other shenanigans. Part of the lovely team @highrise, learn more about me here: https://hotdogsandeggs.com