Tip #30: Find Your Files Faster

Chris Gallo
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2017

Highrise helps you keep track of communication. As time goes on, you might start to find your account a bit cluttered. You and your team accumulate hundreds or thousands of notes, emails, comments, and files.

With storage options of up to one terabyte, the amount of email attachments and documents added to notes or comments adds up after awhile. This makes files one of the toughest things to find in a Highrise account.

So what’s the tip or trick that can help?

When viewing any activity feed in Highrise, you’ll find an option to switch to a files only view. This excludes all notes, emails, and comments making it much easier to find a file you’re looking for.

Let’s say you and your team are using a Case to track candidates for a new position at your company. In this case, you’ve added candidates and notes with their cover letters and résumé.

You’ve scheduled an interview with a potential candidate by creating a task in Highrise, and you need to prep for the interview. The problem is over 200 people have applied for the position, how are you going to find the candidates’ résumé before the interview begins?

Use the Files view when viewing the Cases’ activity.

  1. Go the Case specific page
  2. Click Latest Activity
  3. Choose Files
  4. Scroll to find the file or add in a filter by a user too
Use the files view to find files fast.

The same filter can be used on any contact’s page, Deal page, or from the main (Latest) activity feed too. This is useful if you’re looking for a specific note added by a colleague or an email attachment associated with a certain contact.

Please let us know if you’ve got any questions on finding your files or any requests to improve these filters.



Chris Gallo

Write about customer support and other shenanigans. Part of the lovely team @highrise, learn more about me here: https://hotdogsandeggs.com