Tip 32: How to use access logs

Chris Gallo
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2017

While access logs are something we never hope you have to use, if you do find yourself in a security pickle, these logs are here to help you.

What are access logs?

Access logs show answer who and what is using your Highrise account. Every user can access their own individual access log from the Settings > My Info section of their account:

What information shows in the logs?

Your access log shows the following information:

  • date and time of access (broken down per day and hour)
  • type of access (web, iOS, Android, calendar, API/integrations)
  • operating system (browser version/device info)
  • IP address

Why would I need to use these access logs?

Here are a few situations where access logs are handy:

  • you’re curious what third party apps are connected to your account
  • you suspect someone is access your account that shouldn’t be
  • you want to check a former employee’s access

Can I view my team’s access logs?

Account owners and admins can also view the Team Access log. The fastest way to view the team access log is from going to your Settings > Users page:

Your team access log shows the same information broken down by user, date, and hour of the day.

The last two weeks of dates show on the left hand side of the page.

How can I access dates prior to two weeks ago?

You can add a filter to the URL of the page to view dates from before what is listed on the access log page.

For example, here is how to view logs for July 30, 2017:


And here is how to see logs for March 15, 2016:


Make sure you replace demo with your web address or subdomain.

If you have questions about access logs or security of your account, please never hesitate to contact our support team.



Chris Gallo

Write about customer support and other shenanigans. Part of the lovely team @highrise, learn more about me here: https://hotdogsandeggs.com