Tip #33: TextExpander + Highrise = Time Saved

Chris Gallo
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2017

How can I avoid copying and pasting my dropbox address every time I want to send or forward an email?

It’s tricky to remember your dropbox address or addresses. Why?

  1. Your dropbox addresses are unique to you. It’s not something to share with other members of your team.
  2. Dropbox addresses are long (at least 30 characters, if not longer)
  3. There are several types of dropbox addresses: Personal, Case, Deal, Task, Forwarding, Group, and Tag

This can make it overwhelming to use your dropbox address. So what’s the point?

Our team has a tip, in combination with another app, that has saved us countless hours and frustration.

TextExpander is a productivity app. It helps you insert snippets of text that you use over and over again by typing an abbreviation. No more copying and pasting.

It even shows you how much time you save. Our own team uses it for email signatures, a boilerplate for our support hours, and specific links to documentation. And to remember our dropbox addresses.

Here is how it works

In TextExpander, add a new snippet to a group or your snippets with your dropbox address.

Now, when using TextExpander, we can add the abbreviation bcc and it will automagically add in our dropbox address.

With your dropbox address added that fast, you can send your email as normal and find it in your Highrise account right after. No copying and pasting.

You can create snippets for a tag dropbox address or group dropbox address or any other dropbox address.

Have questions about how this works? Please contact our support team here.



Chris Gallo

Write about customer support and other shenanigans. Part of the lovely team @highrise, learn more about me here: https://hotdogsandeggs.com