Tip #35: Workaround to Reorder Custom Fields

Chris Gallo
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2017

Am I able to edit the order of my custom fields? I’d like to change the sequence, not the content.

For example, so the Status field shows above the Account Manager field?

This is a frequent request our support team receives from the people that use Highrise. The short answer is no, there isn’t a way to reorder custom fields.

The better, and more complete, answer is a workaround that can help. Because custom fields are ordered alphabetically, you can add a number or letter before the fields to get them to display in an order you’d like.

Here’s how it works in this example:

  1. If you’re an admin or the Account Owner, navigate to the custom fields page from your settings:

2. Here edit the existing custom fields by clicking Rename or add new custom fields.

3. Add a number before the custom fields to reorder them. Here is how to move the Status field above the Account Manager field (make sure you refresh the page when complete).

4. Edit and add other numbers to custom fields to get them in the order you desire. For example, here is how your custom fields might look when complete:

What about pre-defined values?

Pre-defined values do not appear in alphabetical order. These appear in the order they’re entered.

For example, if you enter November first, it appears first. And June last, it appears last in your list of pre-defined values.

The workaround with pre-defined values involves deleting and re-entering the values. When deleting an existing pre-defined values, this will not impact any existing data on the contacts.

We do encourage you to inform your team that you’re making changes to the custom fields and pre-defined values because all this information is shared across your account. There is a slight risk of a team member entering information when editing custom fields or pre-defined values too.

Here is an example of reordering the predefined values:

These workarounds can help you display the information to your preference. And our team is also considering an option to rearrange these fields and values in any order you’d like in the future, so please stay tuned.

If you have a question, please send us an email and we’ll get back to you as fast as we can.



Chris Gallo

Write about customer support and other shenanigans. Part of the lovely team @highrise, learn more about me here: https://hotdogsandeggs.com