Upcoming changes… Dual Avatars

Nathan Kontny
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2016

Hello there. We have another feature that we think many Highrise users will love. But we also want to give you a heads up as this one has some history…

Back in January of last year, we released a change we thought people would like: who said what to whom and when.

Prior to the change it was really hard to tell if an email was from you or someone on your team, or if it was from a customer. You had to read the whole email to understand.

So great, we added additional context. Check.

But with the change, we also switched out the avatars. As many of you are well aware, avatars are a huge part of Highrise (spoiler: part of why we’re super excited about these changes and more to come :). Prior to our change, the Avatar that showed was always the contact. With the change, we started distinguishing, based on who sent the email. When we made the switch, Chris Gallo, our head of support, started showing up in our Activity feed all the time. While we were happy to see more of Chris :), some preferences were to always see the customer, regardless of whether the email was sent from someone internally.

So… especially if our change last year disrupted your workflow, we think you’ll like this change — it’s been super helpful internally. But before we roll it out, we just want to give you a little preview:

Now the contact will be the prevalent avatar, but you’ll also see a mini avatar that shows you the additional information regarding the sender/receiver of the email.

It’ll be similar for notes:

To us, this has been a huge help, but it may take a little getting used to. And we’re always open to feedback if there is something we’re missing regarding a particular workflow or issue this might cause for your team.

If you think this will be a concern for your Highrise account, send us a quick note at support@highrisehq.com and we’ll see if there are tweaks we can make to adjust accordingly.

Hope you’re having a great week! We’re super excited to have this one almost ready to go :)



Nathan Kontny

Y Combinator alum. Created Draft (http://draftin.com). Watch: https://youtube.com/nathankontny. Previous: Highrise CEO, Rockstar Coders CTO