6 Ways To Catch A Cheating Partner

Holly Zink
Highster Mobile
Published in
4 min readJan 11, 2022
how to catch a cheater

Romantic relationships — or any relationship for that matter — aren’t solely built on love or affection. Among various other factors, respect, trust, and loyalty play important roles in making a relationship work for all parties involved. Not to mention one’s level or depth of commitment and one’s will to stay committed regardless of the circumstances and despite all the uncontrollable external factors.

Sure, keeping a relationship, as well as maintaining its strength and quality takes much conscious effort. Unfortunately, even well-established relationships can be marred by a single mistake, cheating. And in this digital age, even cheating has been digitized. Making things easier and more convenient, spouses or partners can now maintain their secret love affairs through a cheating app. Read on to learn more about cheating and how to catch a cheater.

Virtual Cheating

Yes, you’ve read that right — virtual cheating is now a thing. Like how virtual dating has become rampant, several users across the globe have as well dared to utilize technological innovations for their personal selfish intentions. After all, cell phones and internet access have their fair share of advantages and disadvantages, depending on how the users intend to utilize these.

For quicker and more convenient access, cheaters build and maintain affairs through remote telecommunications and/or virtual platforms. Some stick with the traditional SMS text messages where the contact number of the third party involved isn’t saved or saved under a different name. Some have leveled up their games and now utilize private or secret messaging apps to communicate with their mistresses or lovers.

Indeed, technology alone is one of the greatest innovations of all time. However, depending on how it is utilized, it could bring protection or harm.

10 Mobile Apps Commonly Used for Cheating

In this digital age, there seems to be a mobile application for anything. You can find the perfect software or tool whether you’re a gamer, student, entrepreneur, sales person, hobbyist, and yes, even if you’re a cheater.

Aside from the built-in SMS messaging tool, various applications are now offering similar telecommunication features and a lot more innovative functionalities. While such apps have undeniably made communication more accessible and way faster, these could also be easily used for selfish and/or malicious purposes.

There are quite a few instant messengers that showcase private or secret conversations. These messaging platforms are either password-protected or smartly hidden, enabling cheaters to easily keep their secret love affairs. Most of these apps utilize military-grade end-to-end encryption, meaning only the parties involved within the conversation have access to the content itself. Some also feature auto-vanishing or self-deleting messages.

  1. Ashley Madison
  2. Date Mate
  3. Facebook Messenger (Secret Conversation)
  4. Kik
  5. Private Message Box
  6. Signal
  7. Snapchat
  8. Tinder
  9. Vaulty Stocks
  10. Viber

10 Tell-Tale Signs Your Partner is Cheating

When we have strong feelings for someone, we tend to get blinded by those emotions that we often neglect to dwell on the red flags. And more often than not, we consciously recognize and acknowledge the warning signs when it’s too late.

While, of course, communication and compromise are key factors in keeping a relationship going, you have to see to it that you’re not sacrificing your own happiness in exchange for your partner’s false promises and misleading guarantees.

Here are some common signs your partner or spouse is cheating on you.

  1. They’re suddenly distant.
  2. They show gradual and significant changes in their preferences, interests, or hobbies.
  3. They’re oddly too sweet or too cold.
  4. They unapologetically spend less quality at home and/or with you.
  5. They’re often using their mobile device which is password-protected with two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled apps.
  6. They are suspiciously silent or secretive.
  7. The details of their explanations or stories are often mismatched or incoherent.
  8. Their allowance or salary is always zeroed out without you seeing/knowing how they spend it.
  9. They forget and/or miss important dates or events, including anniversaries and birthdays.
  10. They have fluctuating mood swings and are often defensive when confronted.

6 Ways of Catching a Cheating Partner

What better way to beat technology than also using technology, right? So, if you think your spouse or partner is cheating on you, you can utilize the very device they use to outwit them and catch them off-guard.

Here are some efficient ways on how to confirm your intuition that your partner or spouse is cheating on you.

Built-In Phone Tracking Programs

Most mobile devices, especially the newly released smartphones, have built-in location tracking features. You can enable this to follow your partner’s whereabouts. You could also utilize Apple’s Find My [iOS device] feature or Google’s Find My Device feature to keep track of their GPS locations.

Social Media Stalking

Stalking their social media is one of the best free ways of remotely monitoring your spouse’s online activities. Start with the major platforms or the networking sites you know they frequently use. You can check out their profiles and timelines, or utilize social media apps’ quick search features and type in phrases similar to friends of [name], photos [name] have liked, or posts [name] have commented on.

Crumbs of Evidence

Be attentive and keen to small pieces of evidence like restaurant bills, jewelry shop receipts, hotel key cards, or movie tickets. This is especially if you didn’t go on such dates or received such gifts and surprises.

Physical Stalking

You might also want to opt for the traditional ways of physically following their schedules, routines, and whereabouts to know for sure if they are where they tell you they’ll be going or if they are with the people they tell you they’ll be hanging out with.

Phishing for Information

If all else fails, you can always ask around. With the right questions, tones, and methods, you can phish valuable information straight from their relatives, friends, or colleagues.



Holly Zink
Highster Mobile

I am a Digital Marketing Associate for The Powerline Group and writer for Digital Addicts.