Remote, Together: Distractions Stay in the Picture

Sarah Wiley
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2021


There’s a common misconception: if people work from home they’re more likely to get distracted from their work. I don’t believe that. I see just as many people working in an office who are easily distracted by conversations with co-workers, snacks in the kitchen, long lunches, or phone calls. No matter the work environment, distractions stay in the picture.


The key indicator for company success is employee productivity and engagement. Those qualities determine the overall success of the team — regardless of whether they’re at home or in the office.

Many others have studied and written about productivity far better than I could. Suffice to say, I believe there’s five additional ways employees increase productivity despite work-life distractions:

  1. Employee values align with the company’s mission and culture.
  2. Projects challenge, peak interest, and inspire employees.
  3. Team expectations and priorities are clear.
  4. Easy access to resources and tools.
  5. Employees feel respected, valued, and connected to team members and leadership.

These levers of productivity cut through distractions and remain true regardless of your desk’s location. They are the solution for a high-performing team whether you work remotely or in person.

Working around kids’ schedules as I did for 20+ years was fraught with distractions. But I was motivated to work around it because I loved my team and projects; I felt challenged to learn, be creative, and solve problems; and I felt valued, respected, and rewarded.

Don’t get me wrong, it was not all smooth sailing. There were plenty of days when things didn’t go as planned and I got frustrated and wondered if it was worth it. Would I have been a “less distracted” employee if I wasn’t juggling home life at the same time? Sure. Would I have been a “less distracted” mother/spouse if I wasn’t juggling work-home life at the same time? Sure. But that’s not my reality. And having the chance to work from home gives my life a richness and fulfillment I can’t have any other way.

Genesis Block has not been immune from the complexities of working remotely through a global pandemic. Some team members contracted COVID, quit, took an extended break, cared for ailing family members, homeschooled, and juggled the stressful effects the pandemic had on our families and communities.

Lessons Learned

Despite the distractions and hardships, we’ve also tripled our team size, sharpened the focus of our business, and grown our user community. We’ve strengthened our social impact, diversity, and employee wellness. We’ve adopted new product and engineering tools and increased engagement in company meetings. And most importantly, we’ve built an incredible product we’re proud to share with the world.

