Can cryptocurrency create greater abundance in the world?

Blake Baxter
Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2018

Cryptocurrency is making waves. What started as a byproduct of grassroots internet communities has evolved into a phenomenon that has the world on notice. From huge news outlets to brand new blogs, cryptocurrency is a subject on everyone’s minds. As we make predictions about how it will grow and affect the world, one question seems to be a throughline: Can cryptocurrency create greater abundance in the world? I believe the answer is an overwhelming yes. Cryptocurrency has the potential to provide creative and financial abundance on a whole new level.

This digital currency is cultivated in an environment that champions democratic processes and the value of collaboration. Transparency is essential and the coding is all open source. Also, in the realm of blockchain, from which cryptocurrency emerges, an emphasis on community is made apparent by such practices as having the blockchain community vote on any changes and there are often networks that incentivize participation with digital currency. These principles create an atmosphere in which strong and lively communities are built and those communities produce new and exciting opportunities for members and the world in general. The world of cryptocurrency is really tapped into the belief that there is unlimited creative energy available to us all and as more individuals engage in that world, we see that creative spread across the globe.

In addition to cultivating a world filled with creative abundance, cryptocurrency also ushers in an era of financial abundance. Cryptocurrency offers an opportunity to people who may not have had access to a myriad of resources in other economies to thrive in a new space. For example, remember the incentives we talked about? Well when people experience being compensated for their time and personal development in some blockchain networks, like HighVibe Network, they are empowered to seek out additional experiences that align with that. Put simply, they are encouraged to recognize their worth. This shift coupled with the understanding that creative energy and financial resources exist abundantly sets up a path to financial abundance.

While the figures wax and wane, cryptocurrency has the potential to cultivate prosperity on a deeper level. Digital currency changes the way we think about ourselves and the way we see the world. It offers a perspective in which we are thriving creatively and resources are abundantly available to us all. It also creates the means by which more and more people can gain access to those resources. Yes, cryptocurrency is indeed making waves and is sure to change the tide for decades to come.

If you like to learn more about Highvibe.Network, feel free to explore the resources below:

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Blake Baxter

Blockchain — Entertainment — Web3.0 — Strategy — Socioeconomics — Futurist — Immersive Experience — Advisory — Mentor — Adventurer