Cryptocurrencies and our collective well-being — a peek into the future

Stef Sifandos
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2018

What if I told you that you could get paid for meditating? How about if I told you that you could get paid for watching videos, commenting and producing creative content? This may seem too good to be true, but this practice and those like it are becoming more prevalent in the blockchain space. Networks like HighVibe incentivize the participation of members with cryptocurrency to encourage them to maintain not only their own well being but the well-being of the community and ultimately the globe. They create communities that value holistic health and merge two worlds that at first glance may seem to be totally separate: cryptocurrency and holistic health. Cryptocurrency is making waves in the financial sector but it has value far beyond that realm, in fact it is helping more and more individuals to recognize their worth and ascend to new levels of consciousness.

When you think of our collective well being, cryptocurrency may not be the first thing that comes to mind. A lot of people think of yoga, meditation and maybe even people that they may consider a bit otherworldly when they consider our collective consciousness and holistic health. While those elements may be present in conscious communities, there’s a crucial detail that’s missing in those elements: everyday people. That’s where cryptocurrency comes in.

Cryptocurrency financially empowers everyday individuals. People who may have not previously had much investment experience or access to financial resources are finding a wealth of opportunity in the blockchain space. This redistribution of wealth and reframing of what affluence and access looks like helps us all to grow and embrace a culture of abundance. This new perspective is a benefit collective well being.

Digital currency is still emerging and developing and the future looks quite bright. Networks that use cryptocurrency to compensate members for evolving their consciousness are attracting people and the communities are steadily growing. These communities are filled with regular people looking for a change. Similarly, everyday people are investing in cryptocurrency and becoming financially empowered at a greater rate each day. The future of cryptocurrency is sure to impact our collective well-being in positive ways. We all stand to benefit from this digital currency not just materially but spiritually as well. Cryptocurrency has the potential to aid us in raising our vibrations globally right now and for the foreseeable future and I for one, am ready to level up.

If you like to learn more about Highvibe.Network, feel free to explore the resources below:

Explainer Video:
One Pager:
Telegram Group:

