The role of technology in our global consciousness evolution...

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2 min readOct 4, 2018

Human beings crave connections with each other.

Throughout time we have relied on one another to grow collectively and individually...

Technology is bringing us together all over the planet... But it’s more than a vessel for connection. Technological advances are helping us to reframe our thought processes by challenging the building blocks of our societies and prompting us to look inward as we examine its effects on our interactions. People are shifting from chasing external stimuli to seeking to take their consciousness, and emotional states to the next level and technology is playing a huge role in that.

Do you have a Facebook? How about Instagram? LinkedIn? Advances in technology have changed the mode and frequency with which we communicate. They have also allowed us to be exposed to a plethora of new ideas and communities.

As we traverse our own holistic journeys, we are able to connect with like minded people and create networks that help us to reach our individual and shared goals. We are able to transcend borders. Because technology helps us to move beyond concepts that are so fundamental to how a great deal of people see the world, they further our spiritual growth.

When we challenge the idea that we are separate and that we are alone in our journeys toward taking our individual and collective consciousness to the next level we are challenging key pieces of how we may have seen the world before. That level of critically engaging changes who we are and who we have the ability to become.

When we are aware that we have agency and truly understand the power that we harbor within ourselves, we understand ourselves and each other in a more profound way and get a little closer to evolving.

The technology we develop is a window into how we view the world and what we find valuable. The popularity of social media platforms and our interest in creating new ways to connect suggest a desire to find a new way of establishing communities and ascending to a new level of consciousness on a global level.

As a human race, we are advancing in beautiful ways. We are getting in touch with what makes us unique and what unites us and sharing that in really wonderful ways. Technological advancements have helped facilitate that and will continue to do so.

Are you ready to go to the next level? We are here to support your growth :)

Sending love…


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Founder of HIGHVIBE network, building toolsets and technologies to uplift the human experience. Faiz is an artist, activator, entrepreneur, and humanitarian💙