When Creativity Meets Unlimited Energy — Tapping Into The Source

Nikhil Kale
Published in
2 min readJul 7, 2018

Take a moment with me to stroll down memory lane. Think back to being five years old. Can you remember your favorite toy? Your favorite game? The name of your imaginary friend? When we are children we are filled with so much wonder and creative energy. In fact, people often associate things like wonder and creativity with childhood but what if I told you that the creative energy of childhood still resides within you? Creative energy is endless and coursing through you right now, even if you don’t feel it.

A lot of people start to feel a disconnect from their creativity as they age. Oftentimes as we grow, we develop mechanisms to cope with the challenging and rapidly changing world around us, including hiding away our endless potential. We assume that letting go of our creative energy is just a part of growing up and buy into the narrative that only certain people have access to creative energy. We buy into the idea of limitation and scarcity. People adapt to survive and sometimes in an effort to stay afloat they dim their light, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

What if there was a place to meet other people committed to growth and a place to share the work you create from tapping into that endless creative potential? What if there was a network designed to help you evolve that would actually take it a step further and pay you to do it? Well, there is. HighVibe Network is designed to enable experiential learning through its ecosystem of various apps, learning platforms, digital and real-world events, and content channels. Creators from an array of disciplines and backgrounds provide a wealth of empowering content that enriches the community as a whole. At its core, HighVibe seeks to raise the vibration of the world one person at a time.

Members of the network have access to materials that empower them to transform themselves. They are able to perform activities and receive compensation for actions like meditation and are able to connect with other individuals that are looking to unlock their power. HighVibe Network provides not only essential tools for personal growth but also a space for people to connect with one another and share their work. All too often we perceive the world as a place with limited resources, but we actually live in a world of endless possibilities for growth and it’s HighVibe Network’s mission to shift the narrative by raising the consciousness of its members and thus the world.

Visit our Website: https://www.highvibe.network
Join our Community: https://t.me/highvibenetworktoken

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