Why we created HiJack, our very own collaborative design method

Matthieu Babe
Published in
5 min readMay 17, 2019

-Hi Jack, we have a problem.

-Cowabunga it is.

Classic sprint design is pretty cool. So why reinvent the wheel? We did it because we want a method that is entirely created, dedicated, and adapted to branding design issues, namely, strategy, copywriting, and visuals. Also, because we want you to be at the heart of the creative process with our experts there to boost you, whereas a classic sprint is satisfied with facilitating. Actually, the HiJack method is about making you work. And you’re going to love it.

Sprint, Forrest, sprint!

The principle is simple. HiJack is there to resolve your issues related to branding design, from brand positioning to UX/UI challenges. In just 5 days. *mic drop*

Day 1: Goals & getting started

Monday morning: define the challenge

Some coffee, a few pastries, and off we go: working together to define the objectives to achieve and, above all, how to get there. Our role is to inspire you to bring out ideas and keep the good-mood focus. It is incredibly important to move forward without negativity. It leaves more time and energy for creating.

Monday afternoon: produce the solution

You thought you’d be kicking back digesting your cinnamon rolls… but, no way! With the HiJack method, you begin ideating right away. Following a quick review, you start prototyping concepts. No rejection. No ideas are bad. We try, we work around, we test. Our mission is to help you unleash your neurons.

Day 2: Diverge & converge

Tuesday morning: rework the idea

Your brain was busy last night. The morning session gives us a chance to ripen ideas. In doing that, we are very cruel to them. We slice them, dice them, twist them, untie them, and cross them until clear paths emerge.

Tuesday afternoon: produce the solution

It’s time to pull on the strings and try out our fresh new beautiful ideas. Concretely speaking, we stage them with words and images. We apply a touch of reality to see what matches and how well the ideas work.

Day 3: Decision time

Wednesday morning: vote on a solution

This is it. This is THE moment when we all choose the working direction. Ideas have evolved. You got a good feeling for their potential with the work on Tuesday afternoon. Now all you have to do is vote. And be bold. We are there to make sure you don’t just accept a spineless consensus. Dare to vote for something different and be proud of yourself!

Wednesday afternoon: produce the solution

We’re on a roll, we’re not slowing down now. The afternoon is dedicated to developing the chosen idea. If necessary, we take into account considerations from the morning and then head straight towards concrete results.

Day 4: Idea workout

Thursday morning: prototype kick-off

Now that we’ve chosen a concept, it’s time to give it a workout. Give it exercise to make it stronger. Create constraints to force ourselves to find solutions and expand our vision. The goal is to produce a bullet-proof prototype by the end of the morning.

Thursday afternoon: produce the solution

We now have all the pieces in-hand: a solid concept and pieces of real applications created over the preceding days. This is the magic moment where it all comes together in the shape of a deliverable.

Day 5: Polish & transfer

Friday morning: fine-tuning

Final touches, ultimate adjustments to refine the project. The week has been exhausting, so we leverage our objectivity and design expertise to help you finalize the work.

Friday afternoon: celebrate

Break out the food and beverages. It’s party time! The sprint is done. You are holding a deliverable made for you, by you. We stand by your side to present the results to the rest of your team and get everyone motivated. Then, it’s your turn to make it your own, give it life, and drive it forward. Of course, we’ll still be around when you need us.


What purpose do we serve?

Really, it’s a good question since you’re doing most of the work. We are there to moderate the process. To manage time and people. To make sure no one is frustrated. More than that, to make sure everyone contributes their personal best by stepping out of their comfort zone and surprising themselves with their creativity.

Who is this for?

The method is ideal for all companies, from startups to firmly established enterprises, seeking to resolve a problem, overcome a challenge, produce a solution… It is for any organization that speaks the language of “test and learn” to move forward quickly.

Who is involved, and when?

It takes all kinds to make a world. For our design sprint, we need a variety of professionals, diverse experience, and involved directors. We all know that the CEO has a busy calendar. But he or she does not have to be there all the time, just at key moments to give the right input, highlight THE essential factor, and provide direction.

What is the deliverable?

That’s what we must decide before the sprint. We decide together what it is that you want to have in your hands at the end. In all cases, that deliverable is collaborative effort, which means you can call it your own and drive it forward over time as needed.

Is the method always the same?

The HiJack method depends on you. Its content adapts to your project, your corporate culture, and your specificities: we have a complete library of workshops and exercises to match your challenge and your team. The basic theory is there but in practice it’s always personalized.

Welcome to v2!

Did you like the HiJack method? You’re going to love the HiJack 2.0 method! Tomorrow, we will have to face new problems, new subjects, and different ways of working. Like we said in the beginning: design is a constantly changing process, defined by that special “on the edge” feeling. We therefore continually update the HiJack method to stay at the forefront of the collaborative effort. In fact, we even kind of HiJack ourselves.

❤️ Matthieu

Matthieu is the Founding Partner of HiJack. You’ll find him consulting about UX & UI for tech startups somewhere in Europe. www.matthieubabe.fr

