Our hike through KIKK Festival 2017

Hike One
Hike One | Digital Product Design


Eight of our designers went to Namur, a beautiful city in Belgium, to explore the invisible narratives of KIKK Festival 2017. Three days about art, technology and design with a bunch of creative/nerdy people.

We loved it, so if you missed it or consider to visit next year… check out the festival through the eyes of Hike One designers.

KIKK Festival 2017 Belgium
Testing new gadgets and almost hit some people with this speedy electric bike.
We tried a Hike One pose. Not sure if this will be a success.
The talk which was definitely the funniest: Mr. Bingo! We had to follow some rules, but that wasn’t a problem.
During his talk we saw a lot of naked body parts and rude language. Just google him and you will find out yourself.
Speaking about bodyparts… Eight people were vacuum packed in a big church, scary but beautiful.
It was difficult to choose from all the beers. Another luxury problem in Belgium.
After the first day and the first Belgium beers it was time to get ready for the KIKK after party.
We will not forget the PIANO MAN!
Even during a short trip we still remain designers: what a horrible interface of the cash machines!
The second day started with a beautiful view. No, not our tired faces, but the view outside!
After the first talks we started to feel hungry again. Homemade pancakes for lunch, the caramel sea salt is highly recommended.
High temperatures in Théâtre de Namur, but that did not stop us.
One quote to remember.
We enjoyed KIKK festival and the Namur culture, see you again next year!

Leonie de Ruiter and Myrthe Geldof
Interaction designers at Hike One



Hike One
Hike One | Digital Product Design

Digital Product Design. We guide you to new and better digital products. Writing about digital, design and new products from Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Eindhoven.