What to Pack When Hiking with Your Pet

Hiking & Camping
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2017

When it’s time to go hiking with your furry friend, basically you are heading for an incredibly wonderful outdoor experience. It’s time for you to build closer bond with your pet, to get it on a physically and mentally enhancing journey. Before heading out, just make sure your have brought along the right things for you and your friend.

In the outdoor journey with your dog, you are in charge of carrying almost all the food and water supply. Unless your friend is trained and ready for carrying a backpack exclusively selected for him. In this case, you will be lucky enough to put some of small stuff like pet snacks or compact backpacking water container. Remember not to exert too much extra weight on him. It will bring along much heavy pressure on your furry friend than upon you. Make sure you will enough water with you, for hydration is expediting for your dog and he has to be fed throughout the whole journey.

You will need to take some poop bags to pick up the waste of him. And you need to use a leash to keep your friend under your control. This is on one hand to follow the rules and on the other not to frighten others. Remember you are not the only hiker and you can’t ensure they like your friend as you do. In case of any emergency, it’s necessary for you to bring a first-aid kit. Store some basic tools like bondage tape, tweezers and gauze pad etc. Under cases when you are not able to deal the wound for your friend, consult your vet first. For hiking in familiar places, you might be confident enough to say you don’t need a trekking compass. For remote places you don’t hike so often, better to take such a device in case of power-off mobile phone or bad signals for your electronics. You need to make sure you and your furry friend won’t get lost.

It’s also suggested to bring a pair of dog boots to protect paws on rough road. It can also be used as first-aid bondage if there is a wound to the paws.

After you have clear idea of what to bring, you will need to train your friend for some manners. For instance, make sure him hike in the designated trail or not shout at stranger. In this way, you are quite likely to have a wonderful journey together.



Hiking & Camping

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