GoodTask 7.0
Haha int Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2022

GoodTask 7.0 is getting released now and I’ll explain some details on this post.

This update includes better Shortcuts app support on both iOS and Mac. Previously GoodTask already supported Shortcuts on iOS starting from iOS 10 when it was initially introduced. There were 3 actions and they used basic features that can be used via Siri and Shortcuts app.

  • View List
  • Add New Task
  • Complete Task

Also you could add an action to open a list via sending it to Shortcuts app inside the app.

These actions worked well and it was left mostly as is since its release. There weren’t that many needs for better Shortcuts app support since GoodTask shares data from Reminders app. Reminders app’s actions could be used if it was needed.

But while checking the new APIs during the development of other app and watching MacStories’s Automation April, I saw some possibilities that could make GoodTask much better with improved Shortcuts support.

I wanted to get the basics done right first and then thought about what could be the one that only GoodTask can provide.

Shortcuts actions on Mac

Basics were opening a list, creating a task, getting a task and editing it or deleting it. Things like supporting subtasks, filtering tasks via smart lists were a good addition that couldn’t be done with Reminders app’s actions.

Using Repeat with each script to edit all items inside a list

And the last big highlight was supporting Quick Actions. Running Quick Actions is a key feature of GoodTask which makes it a powerful tool. Running it on the fly with Shortcuts would be a great feature to have.

Using ‘Choose from List’ script action to select a task and run a Quick Action

It was a bit challenging supporting prompt selections but it was successfully done and now you can easily select a Quick Action to run and pick selections or type in text/number to adjust right away within the Shortcut.

All these actions are supported on both iOS and Mac.

Previous actions (View List, Add New Task, Complete Task) will be deprecated and will be removed in future updates. (While the actions are not showing ‘Deprecated’ due to translation bug but it’ll be added on next update)

You can check details about each actions and use case examples on GoodTask forum post below.

GoodTask Forum Post

I hope you use it well and get things done with GoodTask. Thanks!



Haha int Blog

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