Introducing the Democratic ticket: behind the scenes with Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine

Photos from their first day as running mates

Kat Kane
Hillary for America


Just hours after Hillary Clinton announced Senator Tim Kaine as her vice presidential pick, the two hit the campaign trail together in Miami.

Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at their first day as running mates:

First order of campaign business: filling out the official paperwork to be nominated at the Democratic Convention.
Before hitting the campaign trail, Tim and his wife, Anne, get a policy briefing from Hillary’s team.
Hillary and Tim gear up to make their debut as running mates.
Taking the stage in Miami to the song “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.”
The crowd is fired up for this ticket.
Hillary introduces Tim to the room: “I just can’t think of anybody better to have by my side on the campaign trail and in the White House.”
Among the many reasons she chose him: “He is qualified to step into this job and lead on day one. And he is a progressive who likes to get things done. That’s just my kind of guy.”
Hillary turns over the mic to her new running mate.
Tim’s first words as he took the podium: “Y bienvenidos a todos, bienvenidos a todos a nuestro país porque somos americanos todos.” (Translation: And welcome everyone, welcome everyone to our country because we are all Americans”)
“Today, like every day, I’m especially grateful to my wife Anne — I love you, honey. And to three beautiful kids, Nat, Woody, and Annella. I am the luckiest dad and the luckiest husband in the world.”
“Tough times don’t last, but tough people do — and they don’t come any tougher or any more compassionate than Hillary Clinton.”
Welcome to the team, Tim!

