The state of our infrastructure is an emergency — and an opportunity.

Hillary Clinton
Hillary for America
2 min readMay 26, 2016


Last year, I released an ambitious infrastructure plan that would leverage public and private investment to repair our crumbling bridges and roads, build world-class airports, and connect all American households to the internet.

But that’s just a down payment. We have to do even more. As a share of the economy, federal infrastructure investment is roughly half of what it was 35 years ago. That underinvestment is hurting our economy — and our future.

In my first 100 days as president, I will send a plan to Congress making the biggest, most forward-looking investment in American infrastructure since the construction of the Interstate Highway System.

We’ll set a national goal of connecting every household to broadband by 2020 and put WiFi in more schools, hospitals, and transit systems so Americans can get online anywhere. We’ll build a cleaner, more resilient power grid with enough renewable energy to get half our electricity from clean sources by 2030. And we’ll work to make sure there are safe, high-tech public schools in every ZIP code.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, wants to build a giant wall on the Mexican border. That wall would likely cost at least $25 billion. That’s enough to build 16 Golden Gate Bridges or 1,500 new elementary schools, to send more than 300,000 veterans to college, or to install enough renewable energy to power 5 million homes. We could help a lot of hard-working American families with all the money he wants to waste on his wall.

Instead of dividing Americans, we need to connect them to opportunity and the jobs of the future. Together, we can lay that foundation. We’ll make the boldest infrastructure investment since President Eisenhower, and we’ll make it part of a comprehensive package to create the next generation of good-paying jobs and help American workers compete — and win — in the global economy.

Instead of building walls, we’re going to break down barriers and build a stronger future together.



Hillary Clinton
Hillary for America

2016 Democratic Nominee, SecState, Senator, hair icon. Mom, Wife, Grandma x3, lawyer, advocate, fan of walks in the woods & standing up for our democracy.