These ladies were born before women had the right to vote. Now they’re saying “I’m with her.”

Brian McBride
Hillary for America
4 min readNov 1, 2016

They’ve waited a lifetime for this moment.

These voters have waited a lifetime for this moment.

They’ve lived through the Great Depression, borne witness to World War II, and experienced 18 presidential administrations.

These women — born before the 19th Amendment granted them the right to vote — have been on the frontlines of history. And they’re ready to be a part of it one more time by casting a vote for the first female presidential nominee and electing Hillary Clinton to the White House.

1. Jerry Emmett, 102

Born more than a century ago, Jerry was the oldest delegate to vote for Hillary at the Democratic National Convention.

“My whole life, I keep asking God, let me have one more chance — if you let me go to the convention [to see the first woman be nominated for president], I’ll go home to heaven without making a little fuss. And when I called one of my former students, and I told them that, she said, ‘Oh no, you won’t — I’ve already ordered your dress to go to the inauguration.’”

2. Gertrude Gottschalk, 100

Born February 4, 1916, Gertrude recently celebrated her 100th birthday and voted early for Hillary.

“I think everyone should vote; our whole democracy depends on those who are interested and who participate. We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to pick our own leader. A lot of countries don’t have that opportunity.”

3. Estelle Schultz, 98

Estelle was born just two years before the ratification of the 19th Amendment — and now, almost a century later, she never thought she’d get to witness the election of the first female president.

“I am following this campaign carefully, and I decided that I would like to live long enough to see the election of our first woman president. When I was marking my absentee ballot for Hillary Clinton, it occurred to me that this wish is even more poignant, because I was born in 1918, two years before women achieved the right to vote. To see such an accomplishment in my lifetime is momentous.”

4. Phyllis Maline, 99

Women didn’t have the right to vote when Phyllis was born, but now she has cast her ballot to say she’s with Hillary.

“I didn’t have a vote when I was born in 1917. I voted for the first time in 1935. Today, I’m proud to cast my ballot for the first female presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton. Things have come a long way in my time.”

5. Ruline Steininger, 103

At 103, Ruline is as spry as they come. She says she’s seen some “pretty incredible things in her first century of living” and was determined to do her part in this election by voting early for Hillary.

“When I was in high school, a girl could be two things: You could be a school teacher, or you could be a nurse. … The sky’s the limit now — you can be president.”

Here’s more of Ruline’s story here:

Join these women in being a part of history. And if you’re ready to make history too, then spread the word and share this story with your friends. More importantly, make sure you’re registered, and make a plan to vote today.

Originally published at



Brian McBride
Hillary for America

Digital Content Strategist and Writer @ Hillary for America