Asian American and Pacific Islanders in Virginia gather to support Hillary Clinton

And they were joined by a very special guest — Michelle Kwan.

Hillary for Virginia
1 min readAug 21, 2016


This week, Asian American and Pacific Islanders in Virginia got together to show their support for Hillary. Interested in joining AAPI Virginians for Hillary in Virginia? Click here!

All over Virginia, members of the AAPI community shared why they’re proud to support Hillary, talked about the important issues facing AAPI Virginians, and registered voters.

Michelle Kwan — world champion figure skater, women’s rights advocate, and proud member of Team Hillary — joined AAPI supporters in Virginia to talk about why it’s so important to get involved.

Before leaving, Michelle asked all Virginians to do one thing: Get involved!

Follow Michelle Kwan’s advice: Click here to join our team.



Hillary for Virginia

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