I want my sons to grow up in a world where a woman can be president

Scenes from a very pro-Hillary hospital room

Rita Powell Moomau
Hillary for Virginia
3 min readNov 1, 2016


On August 4, 2016, I went into labor. I was so ready to meet my second son, Roman — and I was excited that he would have the same birthday as our amazing president, Barack Obama.

In my hospital bed I read Hillary’s book “Hard Choices” to pass the time. While I was waiting for my baby to arrive, I thought about Hillary’s experiences traveling to countries where women have no rights. It made me realize how lucky I am to be in this country. I get to choose who I vote for, and I get to vote for the first woman president. I get to raise my sons in a world where a woman can be president.

My hospital room was a very pro-Hillary zone. Here’s me reading Hard Choices and wearing my Hillary for America pin.

When my nurse came into the hospital room, I asked if she was registered to vote. I made her call all her friends and family to make sure they were registered, too. It’s that important to me that everyone make their voice heard in this election.

My husband always gets me the best gifts — he got me this bracelet for our anniversary this year.

I’ve been a Hillary Clinton fan for as long as I can remember. She’s so accomplished, smart, and hard-working. But the most important thing for me is that — as a mother with two small children — she’s dedicated her life to kids and families.

At Halloween last year, my first son, Sullivan, is dressed up as Bernie Sanders. I went as Hillary, and my husband Adam went as our Secret Service agent.

I’m so proud to be a member of the Democratic party. It’s the party that cares about people. We care about immigrants, minorities, women, and children. We want everyone to succeed.

Even though I gave birth to my second child in August, I’m still doing my best to help Hillary win on November 8th. I’ve made phone calls, knocked on doors, and registered new voters. My kids deserve a president who wants to be president for everyone. I want my boys to know that a woman can be president.

Join Rita and the thousands of Virginians who are working hard to elect Hillary Clinton by signing up to volunteer today!

