Why newspapers across Virginia are endorsing Hillary Clinton for president

And why none have endorsed her opponent

Hillary for Virginia
Hillary for Virginia


This week, the Daily Press made history by endorsing Hillary Clinton for president — backing a Democrat for president for only the second time since 1980.

And they’re far from alone: None of Virginia’s daily newspapers have endorsed Donald Trump.

See why Virginia’s newspapers are endorsing Hillary:

Daily Press: Daily Press Editorial Board endorses Hillary Clinton

We think of our president as the leader of the free world, the person whose job is to give voice and vision to American values around the globe. As commander in chief, the president’s decisions affect countless military families who are the foundation of this very community. This man is unfit to hold the title of president of the United States. To even think of giving that title and that power to Mr. Trump would be comical if it weren’t so terrifying. No living American has seen a more appalling or frightening presidential candidate put forth by a major party.

Richmond Free Press: We endorse Hillary Clinton for president

This upcoming presidential election is exceedingly consequential, perhaps even more so than the presidential elections of 2008 and 2012. It is clear, without reservation or doubt, that on Tuesday, Nov. 8, Democrat Hillary Clinton is far and away the best choice to be the next president of the United States. Mrs. Clinton has a long and solid record of leadership and experience in the U.S. Senate and as a former U.S. secretary of state. She would skillfully guide the nation with a level head, deep understanding, even temperament and clear, rational judgment.

Staunton News Leader: Clinton, without hesitation

Those of us waiting for America to be “great again” would do well to watch a woman who, through every challenge, did not surrender to anger and self-pity, but marched onward to higher ground in bigger arenas. Her tenacity is unparalleled in modern American politics. Clinton is also well prepared for the presidency. She fully understands the demands of the office in ways only an eight-year first spouse could. During her term in the U.S. Senate, she earned the respect of even her Republican colleagues. As secretary of state, she tirelessly traveled to 112 countries, working for peace and repairing relationships left strained by the reckless foreign adventures of the Bush administration. Her efforts were not uniformly successful, but she became trusted the world over, something her opponent never will be. We endorse her without hesitation.

Capital Post: Hillary Clinton for President

At Capital Post, we are confident that Hillary Clinton is the best choice to represent us, our values and the South Asian community’s immediate and long-term interests in the White House. We encourage all Americans — Republican and Democrat — to come forward to vote for Hillary Clinton in the November elections. In particular, we call upon all South Asian Americans to exercise their right to vote by coming out in large numbers to vote and contribute towards success for Hillary. Remember, one visionary leader, Hillary Clinton, has definitely got a plan. Combine that with her rich experience, strategic foresight and endearing personality and you’ve got the perfect candidate to repose your faith in.

Washington Post: Hillary Clinton for president

In the gloom and ugliness of this political season, one encouraging truth is often overlooked: There is a well-qualified, well-prepared candidate on the ballot. Hillary Clinton has the potential to be an excellent president of the United States, and we endorse her without hesitation. […] We believe that Ms. Clinton will prove a worthy example to girls who celebrate the election of America’s first female president. We believe, too, that anyone who votes for her will be able to look back, four years from now, with pride in that decision.

News Virginian: By default, Clinton the only choice for president

[Trump’s] lies are so frequent and so outrageous, they are almost sociopathic in nature. Even when he is caught in a lie — and shown undisputed evidence that he is not telling the truth — he will continue to lie, often making up new lies to cover the ones he’s already told. Someone who exhibits such behavior is the antithesis of the ideal president and about the last person in the world you’d want to hire for such a powerful and influential job. Add to that the narcissistic, thin-skinned, knee-jerk petulance that is all too often on display on the campaign trail — and now, the comments from that tape — and the choice becomes all the more clear.

Bluefield Daily Telegraph: Hillary Clinton is best prepared for the presidency

The Bluefield Daily Telegraph, having considered whether Democrat Hillary Clinton or Republican Donald Trump is up to the enormous task, comes down on the side of Clinton. Her experience and public service to the nation as First Lady for eight years, U.S. Senator for eight years and Secretary of State for four years have prepared her to be president and commander in chief. Trump, while inviting to some as a chance for dramatic change, has zero public service experience. For the past 1 1/2 years of his campaign, he has raised serious questions about his values, his temperament and his bombastic promises.

Falls Church News-Press: We Endorse Clinton & Kaine

Clinton brings levels of experience, level-headed intellectual capacity and power of articulation that have been tested and tempered by her political enemies over many years. She has faced the brunt of personal, as well as political, attacks that so often are hurled against women, on that account alone, and coming through all that, she is even more uniquely qualified to handle the pressures of the presidency. As for Kaine, this is an extraordinary man. It has been our distinct honor to have come to know him as well as we have, and in our view, the choice of him by Clinton to be her running mate spoke volumes about her, as well as him. It said that yes, there is virtue in politics, and not the kind of selfish self interest that so many cynical commentators seem to insist these days.

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