6 Things Every College Student Needs to Know

McGraw Hill
McGraw Hill College Hacks
3 min readSep 6, 2017

…from other college students!

The first semester of freshman year in college can be super exciting, and super overwhelming. For some students, it’s the first time living away from home, meeting new people, eating new food. It’s also adjusting to a new kind of schedule and a new day-to-day routine.

What can you do to get through the ups and downs of your first semester?

We asked a bunch of juniors, seniors, and even some graduate students what they wish they’d known back in their first semester of school. Here’s what they said:

1. Plan, Plan, Plan

I wish I’d known to plan ahead. My first semester was very much done on the fly and that resulted in a lot of mismanagement when it came to my time, causing a lot of stress and a lot of late nights and early mornings. Having a plan at the beginning of each week is great; looking out even further is better. -Ian, California Polytechnic State University ‘19

2. Make a Schedule

I wish I’d known how important it is to manage my time efficiently and effectively. Scheduling time in advance to complete assignments allows me time to have fun while also getting good grades. -Elissa, Rogers Liberty University, 1st year doctoral student

3. Quality Beats Quantity

I wish I’d known that if you say yes to every organization that asks you to join, then you won’t end up being a good member of any of them. -Nathan, Oklahoma State University ‘18

4. Be Healthy

I wish I’d known how important it is to put yourself and your health first. Focus on building up your mental health. Remember it’s always ok to make mistakes and ask for help. Just because you’re in college doesn’t mean you’re going to be immediately great at everything you try. And be ready for life to throw your curveballs: sometimes the best experiences come from them. -Mary, University of Houston ‘18

5. Embrace Twists and Turns

I wish I’d known college is not a linear journey. Sometimes you will want to give up, sometimes you might need leave a class, sometimes you may lose a friend. It’s all okay. College is about discovering who you will be professionally and defining yourself as an adult; it’s not about always being right the first time. -Shanise, Old Dominion University ‘18

6. Campus Resources Rock

I wish I’d known about all the resources available to students on campus: tutoring services, a wellness clinic, dental services, a hair and nail salon, a bakery and student success workshops like Test Taking Skills and Time Management. There’s always room to learn a few more tips and tricks to stretch another hour out of your day. -Julie, Western Governors University ‘17

These are just a few tips. The most important thing to remember is that everyone has ups and downs.

So what are your tips for success?



McGraw Hill
McGraw Hill College Hacks

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