Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer, Change Disk Region

Hilton W Silva
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2021

Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer is a tool to manage your Azure Storages (disks or storage spaces). This is a multiplatform tool that helps you to focus on copy, download, upload disks to any region available in your subscription.

We have the download to various operating systems and you can get this for free here

First of all, you need to download and configure the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer.

After you apply, with your subscription, you will see something like this

Sensitive information is omitted.

Here you can connect to your Azure account and subscription to manage your storage.

Going to the first link you see something similar to this.

In this part, I will show a simple way to change the region of a disk, for example, I have a disk in WestUs but I want this in Brazil, lets follow the image

I the above example we select the disk that we want to copy (1), and in the second step (2), we have to copy this disk.

At this time you click on paste to paste the selected disk, and now a window wiil appear,

With these steps, you can create a disk with another name, another region, and another type of disk.

After this, the application will be starting a process to create and copy the disk

Now you can go to the Azure portal and attach the disk to VM or create a new VM with the specific region.

After it, you can delete the old disk.

These are the disks create in Azure

I hope this can help you to made fast migration, as it helps me :)

See you in the next post, please leave feedback or comments this is very important to show if what I´m doing is going well, Thank you!



Hilton W Silva

Hi! I’m Hilton W. Silva, I’m a software developer who is passionate about technologies that can help people and open source. ​ Please checkout