6 Dating Tips For Shy Guys — How To Come Out Of Your Shell

Tip #1: Stop comparing yourself to others

Hily Dating App
3 min readDec 10, 2020


Let’s face it — dating can be challenging. That’s especially true for shy people who simply cannot find a way to overcome the anxiety of meeting new people.

However, we shouldn’t let our shyness stand in the way of true love. Instead, we should fight all stereotypes about man as loud and tough; embrace our unique self, and show it to the world.

That said, we’re going to take a look at how shy guys can combat their fears, come out of their shells and give dating a chance.

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

Tip #1: Stop comparing yourself to others

An old proverb says that comparison is a thief of joy. And when we think about it more carefully, we will quickly see how true that is. By comparing ourselves to others, we inevitably harm our self-confidence and increase anxiety.

Instead of worrying about what others will think about you, focus on things you love about yourself. The truth is, there’s at least one person you know who admires something you have. And even though you might not want to admit it, be sure people think you’re worthy.

Another thing you should do to stop stressing about meeting new people is to start emulating what you admire. Think about all the people you find inspiring, and learn from their experience. However, be careful not to think of yourself as “less than”. Instead, be proud of your efforts and the path you’re on right now.

Tip #2: Go out of your comfort zone

Practice makes perfect. If you want to overcome the fear of meeting new people, come out of your shell and start enjoying life.

Exposing yourself to situations that stress you will help you overcome these problems and become a stronger, more confident person.

That said, to overcome shyness and come out of your shell practice talking to others. Think about the things you’re interested in and choose events and activities with like-minded people. As you meet them, you’ll notice how relaxed you are becoming, and that will transfer to the dating world.

Tip #3: Find friends who’re more outgoing than you are

You’ll be more likely to meet new people if you come in pair. A good idea would be to bring friends who’re outgoing and have a better time making connections with others. You can learn from them and copy their actions, see what kind of questions they ask, and apply this knowledge in the dating world.

Tip #4: Work on your body language

Body language is equally important to the words we say. Pay attention to how you walk. Do you slouch or stare at the ground? Where are your hands? Are they shoved in your pockets? Instead, try siling and looking others in the eye. Remember people's names and use them in a conversation, and you’ll see how everything becomes better and more natural as people start to open up to you.

Tip #5: Watch what you wear

Things you wear can be a great conversation starter. Make sure to wear something comfortable when meeting new people, as it will allow you to focus on the conversation instead of uncomfortable shoes or tight jeans. Dress in accordance with your personality and let others guess what are you all about.

Tip #6: Do what you love

When you do what you love, everything suddenly becomes easier. Surrounding yourself with new people isn’t a bad idea if you want to your conversational skills. Besides, falling in love with someone who shares the same passions wouldn’t be too bad, right?

Dating isn’t easy, and finding your true love requires hard work. Putting your shyness aside, and working towards a more extroverted, friendlier self will help you elevate the quality of your life and make you one step closer to finding your true match.



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