The Quickest, Wisest Way to Find Real Love

Intimacy is oxygen.

Hily Dating App
3 min readMar 30, 2021


An article by Hily’s dating coach, a renowned psychotherapist, Ken Page, LCSW.

At the end of the day, love is simply the most important thing of all. Deep inside, we all know this. And science backs it up. In fact, the quality of our love relationship is the single most important factor in deciding how happy and good our lives will be! We are wired to seek intimacy and companionship. We are not meant to be alone and self-sufficient. Without lives filled with love, we wither inside.


Intimacy is oxygen.

That means you are making the wisest choice of all if you’re seeking healthy lasting love.

And I’m here to help you.

I’m Ken Page LCSW. I’m a psychotherapist and the host of the Deeper Dating Podcast. I’m also the author of the best-selling book Deeper Dating: How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy. My work has received millions of reads and listens, and it’s changed the lives of countless people; helping them to manifest healthy beautiful sustainable love in their lives. I’m honored that Hily asked me to share the most powerful skills, the best insights, and the greatest tools I know to help you find the love you are seeking.

The true skills of dating are really nothing more than the skills of intimacy — and those are the greatest skills of all for a happy life!

So, let’s get started with a very important question:

Since 1995 (the birth year of online dating), billions of matches have been created online. Billions of more matches than we ever could have previously imagined! So….why are there more single people than ever? We’ve been taught all wrong!

We’ve been taught that dating is just a numbers game. In other words, the more matches, the more chance of finding love. We’ve been taught that success means fixing ourselves; going on an endless quest to make ourselves look more attractive, act more confident, flirt better, be wittier, be hotter, etc.

Of course, it’s great to look good! But here is what that advice is really saying:

Fix yourself if you ever want to find love! (Meaning…there is something wrong with you. And you’d better fix it right away!)

That approach does not lead to love — it leads to insecurity. And it does something else as well — it draws us to people who don’t love us for who we really are. The path to love is a different path altogether (and science is on my side!).

Learn to be who you really are. Finally, you can worry less about fixing yourself and focus more on being yourself.

The skills I will teach you are simple, but they are not necessarily easy. You will find yourself meeting more people who are kind, available, and who truly value you. And you will find yourself more attracted to them, instead of the bad-boys or bad-girls!

This path to real, healthy, lasting love — what I call The Path of Authenticity — will save you so much time and heartbreak — but it will also make you a happier, better person. I am not just saying this: I’ve seen these same things happen time and time again in my client’s and readers’ lives. And in my own life as well!

In the next article, I am going to teach you the three greatest skills for finding real, lasting love. I look so forward to our journey together, and to hearing your stories as your search for love transforms!

Copyright, © Ken Page, LCSW, 2020

Ken Page is the host of The Deeper Dating Podcast, author of the bestselling book Deeper Dating: How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy, and the creator of the Deeper Dating Course. He has been featured in O, The Oprah Magazine, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Cosmopolitan, The Advocate, and more.

Discover more about Ken’s work, and receive a free gift HERE.



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