Front End Developer

Justin Frenette
2 min readAug 15, 2016


Him • Her Inc. — Kitchener-Waterloo, ON

Hey there… we’ve got a spot for someone who can talk to computers. I mean… REALLY and TRULY speak their language(s), and work with them. Thus, further bridging the gap between humankind and computers; so that united we can create amazing, beautiful and well-built user experiences.

If you possess this gift, we’re hoping you’ll join us.

The H&H Way
We work pretty damn hard to be the best . We pride ourselves on our team members who day in and day out develop creative, logical and well designed solutions for our clients. We strive to maintain a great work culture and are always pushing the limits of our work.

  • Got ideas? Let’s hear ‘em!
  • Wanna innovate? Let’s do it together!
  • Want to expand your knowledge? Let’s learn from one another, or learn together!
  • Want to get out of the studio and work remote? Do your thang!

We have a variety of clients with a variety of needs, so you won’t be doing the same thing day in and day out. It’s chill here, even though we get our hustle on. No big “corporate” pressure here. We have a culture and lifestyle that we live by. Design, technology and innovation is all around us, waiting to be shared. We love what we do

Now, let’s get to the point: We’re looking for a developer with full-stack experience, however, strength in front-end web development is expected. A strong grasp and experience withhandling data, problem-solving and modern frameworks is a must.

Personal/Professional Qualities:

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Self-motivated and creative with a strong sense of accountability
  • Proven debugging, troubleshooting and problem-solving skills
  • Attention to detail and ability to work within and hit fixed deadlines

Technical Requirements:

  • Experience with building HTML, CSS, JavaScript web experiences
  • Familiar with modern JS frameworks ( jQuery, Backbone, Kraken.js, Ampersand.js etc… ) with a desire and ability to learn new technologies
  • Familiar with CSS preprocessors: Less, Sass
  • Modern front-end workflow using Grunt, NPM and Browserify
  • Experience with some server side technologies ( Node.js/Python )
  • Experience working with GIT, SVN and working in teams
  • Solid understanding of OOP, relational databases, and SQL for implementing database-driven, web-based applications
  • A strong understanding of usability, accessibility, security and privacy within the digital realm i.e. eCommerce
  • Experience translating designs and wireframes into semantically correct templates ( HTML, Jade, Handlebars . Knowledge of responsive and adaptive design.


  • Experience interacting with third-party APIs and Web Services ( REST/SOAP )
  • Strong working knowledge developing cross platform/browser compatibility (IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, etc.) for dynamic web applications
  • Familiarity with and adherence to web standards and best practices for load time reduction and accessibility
  • Familiarity with other CMS based frameworks such as WordPress

Please send resume and GitHub profile to



Justin Frenette

Co-Founder @HIMHER. Formerly @MagnetForensics, @BlackBerry. Focused on software, data & design. Passion for people & learning.