VirTour : Short (and Boring) UX Fake Case Study.

Muhammad Ridlo
Published in
5 min readNov 7, 2021

This is the result of one of my thought applied to design which featured on designrant (which I’m proud of, but still indeed sucks :D), I made this design for the sake of design exploration, but in every exploration I made, I’ll try to put some thoughts in it, so I’m not only exercising my visual skill, but also the way I’m thinking.

Before you jump to the case study, I want to give you all a disclaimer,

You won’t see a lot of sticky notes that present the problems, and the solutions, because I don’t do it in a structured process and using so many sticky notes, so it’ll be boring for some of you :). And it hasn’t been validated yet :). So, it’s still 100% assumptions. Here I’ll show you my thought process until I get to the design, but not detail to the design decision I made.

Let’s start,

Background : The Frikkin Pandemic

Talking about background, back when I was saving my energy horizontally a.k.a rebahan, and then I started to reflect about the pandemic that has imprisoned us for 1+ year, I remembered about those people who got fired from their jobs, or places that constantly losing their income because they can’t open during this pandemic situation due to the potential of making a huge amount of people.

The Problem : Galleries, Museum, No Visitors, No Income :(

Then, I remembered some places that losing a lot of their income during this pandemic, galleries, museums, historical sites, etc. Thinking about people working there losing their income, and the possibility that they will lost their job, made me really sad. So my main focus was on the problem where visitors unable to visit the places.

Solution, Solution, Solution :

So I’ve found the problem,

The visitors unable to visit the places stated before.

But, how about the solution ?

My brain was thinking really hard to find the solutions for the problem, and blub, a light bulb popped out of my head. Here’s the solution that came up to my mind.

Okay, we can’t bypass the government’s restrictions, and of course we can’t let visitors to come to the places I stated before in a big crowd. So what’s the solutions ?

As things went virtual and accessible via online platform, from learning to daily work meeting. I thought bringing the visitors to them too, virtually of course.

So to do that, we think to build a platform where we will do virtual tour to the place we wanted to visit. For instance, we want to go to museum and we can do it virtually.

But how do we manage the visitors ? We apply visitor’s schedule on certain time with limited amount of tickets available to keep things under control.

With that solution, I hoped that it will solve their problems, which in this case is the lack of visitors came to their place that implied on their lack of income. So with this, hopefully they will survive during this tough year.

Competitors : Are our Best Partner (Sometimes)

Competitors are everywhere, people with similar business ideas are surrounding us and sometimes we think they’re our threat, of course they are,

but sometimes, they’re our best partner, but How ?

Competitors are our best partner because we can “cheat” their ideas, improve it and apply it into our current business, design, etc. Well, that’s what I do when I tried to come up with the solutions.

I saw company like AirBnb was starting to bring some experiences online through their online experiences program, and a museum somewhere was already provided virtual tour service, and that’s what I tried to bring to my design app :), so competitors have a big part into defining solutions to the problems.

My app :

The app that I designed let people to join a virtual tour session, and because people sometimes got bored when they’re constantly watching people guide their tour, and didn’t have any flexibility to look things around, I came up with solution,

How about we make them able to have 360° view so they can look at things around them. Therefore they won’t get bored (hopefully).

Here is the user flow of the app, and snippets of the mockup.

User flow
Snippets of the mockup.

Psstt, I also have redesigned it, so check on my instagram to see the redesigned version :).

Output & Outcome : None (For Now)

Well, the output, of course the design of an app that I posted on my Instagram (follow for more :D) and became my portofolio. But how about the outcome ?


Clik for the source

Why ? Because as I said earlier, I haven’t validated it yet, so I won’t know whether it’ll truly solve the problems or not. But still, the aim of this article is to share my short thought process when I want to design something.

Summary :

So the summary of my design process is,

1. I found a problem.
2. I start to think who’s involved there and what’s their core problems.
3. From there, I try to brainstorm the solution.
4. I do some research surfing on the internet to assist my solution.
5. And design, design, design, let’s push the pixels somewhere :).

Well, the process doesn’t always look like that, sometimes I did find the solution first, then think about people that involved there and rethinking about their core problems. But the important thing here in my opinion is thinking about the core problems and the people, that’s where you’ll get the right solution.

Well, I think that’s it, you got any feedback ??? Feel free to give it on comment section or simply DM me on my instagram. Thank you.

Orangnya pengen sok Inggris :), makanya nulis pake bahasa Inggris.

