How do I capture a hiMoment?

Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2017

Last time, we talked about how capturing small moments can help you become happier. I am always happy when you tell me your small (and big) moments on hiMoment. But at the end of the day, you don’t share them with me: you share them with yourself. So here are five tips on how you make them memorable for the future you:

  1. Be specific

Your moments will be more memorable if you spend some extra time describing the details. One year from now, you will not remember this:

But you will most certainly remember this:

… especially because I have had a coffee stain on my robe ever since. No regrets!

2. How it made you feel, not how it happened.

This one has been scientifically shown to improve your mood. It helps you reconnect to the emotion you had when you captured the hiMoment. So instead of this,

share with yourself the joy you felt when it happened.

Doubt can create mountains, even for gurus. But like faith, friends can move mountains.

3. An awesome day = not one, but several hiMoments

Resist the temptation to summarize entire days into one entry. It’s called hiMoment, not hiDay. So when you have one of these amazing days where lots of good things happen, capture several rather than only one hiMoment.

The more hiMoments you capture, the more moments worth capturing you will see.

4. Be “zen” about your hashtags

When you tag a hiMoment, I reward you with a collections of that hashtag. When you use the same hashtag, your collection will grow. So try to use the same hashtag for the same topic consistently. Keep your collections as clean as your zen garden.

5 Use pictures

A picture often says more than a thousand words. So send me the pictures of your hiMoments.

When we decided on a team name, I voted for #monkeys. That was my only chance to become a team mascot #sadMoment

If you forgot to take one, you may want to use a picture that captures a similar feeling or situation as an alternative.

Hope this helps you create moments worth remembering, flowing, and sharing!


