At-Home COVID-19 Testing Kits Now Available Through Hims & Hers’ Platform

hims & hers
3 min readMay 13, 2020


Offering access to the first FDA authorized at-home saliva test through Rutgers RUCDR Infinite Biologics

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused heightened feelings of anxiety, fear and stress as we adapt to new routines and navigate unknowns. Many Americans are worried about the health of friends and family, and about becoming sick themselves. That’s why our team has been working long hours to expand care options and determine how to offer access to at-home testing to provide people with the answers they need.

As of today, we are offering access through the Hims & Hers platform to Rutgers’ RUCDR Infinite Biologics FDA authorized, at-home saliva test for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Patients can connect with a licensed medical professional through the Hims & Hers platform who will determine if a test is appropriate.

“We’ve been committed since day one to provide convenient and affordable access to healthcare,” said Hims & Hers’ Founder and CEO, Andrew Dudum. “We know that people have questions about COVID-19, including possible symptoms and how to get tested if they are concerned about their health. At Hims & Hers, we want to serve as a resource, offering access to results as quickly as possible and bringing relief and answers to as many Americans as we can.”

Hims & Hers will be offering the tests at-cost for $150 — $80 goes to the lab to cover the cost of creating and processing the kits; $20 will go to the medical providers for consultations and testing; and $50 will cover the cost of expedited shipping.

Here’s the process of obtaining an at-home testing kit through Hims & Hers:

  • Visit the Hims & Hers site and enter relevant medical information — including any symptoms and recent travel history — into a medical intake form.
  • A medical professional will review the information and virtually connect to determine if an at-home testing kit is recommended. Currently, the test is only available for those exhibiting certain symptoms.
  • If recommended by a medical professional, an at-home test from Rutgers’ RUCDR Infinite Biologics will be shipped via overnight mail to a customer’s door.
  • Collection requires a sample of saliva and can be completed by the customer without the need to have a provider present during the collection.
  • The kit will include everything needed to return the test to the lab for review. Customers will be able to view their results in their Hims & Hers online account and a medical provider will be in touch with recommended next steps depending on the results. Those recommendations will be based on the currently accepted guidelines for treatment of the virus and could include seeking in-person care or self-isolation.

We know things can feel unsettling right now, and are committed to driving access to the healthcare system and the resources you need for answers and medical support. For those who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and are interested in receiving an at-home test, visit and



hims & hers

Hims is a men’s wellness brand that’s connecting guys with science-backed solutions for health issues that can be optional.