How to properly create a .gif from a video file — finally solved

Back in the days, one could simply open Photoshop and convert an animation to an «optimized .gif» using «File > Save for Web» but things have changed…

Hinderling Volkart
2 min readJul 9, 2020


The problem: Photoshop

With the 2015 release of Photoshop CC, Adobe moved the «File > Save For Web»-option and labelled it a «legacy»-feature. It still did the job as expected. But with the most recent updates of the Adobe Creative Cloud, this export option doesn’t seem to work any longer.

Error message in Photoshop 2020 when trying to export as GIF the legacy way.

This is confusing as Adobe’s official recommendation on exporting .gifs suggests using their legacy export dialogue ( ).

So, in 2020, how on earth can one easily convert animations to a .gifs?

The solution: Gifski

We have eventually discovered a reliable workflow using ( by Sindre Sorhus & Kornel.

Gifski is easy to use, retains your framerate, compresses the file and works with an alpha channel. 🥳

If you want to create a transparent .gif, here’s a workflow to do so (exemplary workflow):

Render settings in After Effects
  • Animation in After Effects
  • Export in After Effects Renderer as ProRes 4444, RGB + Alpha
  • Convert using Gifski

Done 🍺.


Problem: Photoshop | Solution: Gifski

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