Welcoming Gujarati and Hindi Writers

All things Sweet Only

Babbling Biologist
4 min readApr 5, 2024


Let’s create, perfect, distribute, and spread the “Mithai” from our Culture across the Globe!

We are here to write for genuine Readers and get real Appreciation for our words 😇

I know that Medium hasn’t launched Partner Program in India yet; however, many of us are writing in regional Hindi and Gujarati (as well as other languages such as Marathi, Tamil, Malayalam) on various Social Media platform. Let’s all come together and write here on one page, as well as read each others’ worth-publishing gem of the words! We may/may not be located in the countries with partner program, but we can certainly create our own little community that we all would like to read, write, and engage in the time of solace, happiness, anxious moments, and distress. I promise to publish what will either cheer you up, or bring you an empathy you deserve; or will be a new better scrolling endeavor for your free times.

I would probably start new pages for other languages when I have bandwidth to do so, but at the moment I am the lone editor of this group, so I am limiting this page for the languages I have grip on — Gujarati and Hindi. I am looking for stories of love, happiness, sorrows, life events, fantasies, comedy, …. anything that qualifies for being Sweet. You heard me, sorrows too. But NO Political, caste, gender debates; in general avoiding news, media, politics, hate speech, and judgements. We are here to spread some sweetness and have ample love and warmth to provide for your sorrows, but no bitterness please 😇.

I would edit or suggest edits for your grammar, and will try my best to avoid suggesting vocab change, because I know — your words are your feelings — and I would rather keep them original. Please respect each other here and refrain from passing negative perspectives on others’ words. Commenting hatred will push you away from this tiny island of Goodness we are trying to create here!

Lastly, please embrace originality. I have a chatGPT plagiarism software and I would rather promote the original writers and their efforts of pouring love to the words 🧐.

Welcome, and send me these answers at babblingbiologistblogs@gmail.com to be considered as a writer and poet in मिઠાई ! When you send an email, don’t forget to give a heads up in the comments here!

Send me these 3 simple Answers to be a writer here:

Your Name?

Your Medium account Link?

Which Topics do you like to Write?

Once you send me an email, and I add you as a writer here, you would be able to write your story and publish with me on this page using following simple steps:

  1. Go to your account and press “Write” on right hand side top panel.
Step 1: Write

2. In the Draft of your story, go to ‘More settings’ once you complete your story.

Step 2: go to More settings

3. Add Topics. Add 2–3 topics you think best suits your story, and also include Gujarati or Hindi as a topic as per whichever your story relates to, and hit the Save button.

Step 3: Add topics of your choice, don’t forget to add Gujarati or Hindi whichever is the language of you story

4. Go back to your story as follows:

Step 4: Go back to your story

5. Submit to Publication > Hindi-Gujarati-Gems

Step 5: Submit!

Thank you, I will look forward to your stories :)

-Babbling Biologist



Babbling Biologist

PhD taught me to research and write🧠 applying that in every genre of life and blogging! Forever Learning by connecting to people of different cultures🌻