The Day I Realized My Right Wing Online Fling Was A Russian Bot

Rena Hundert
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2020

@proudrepublican69 and I had been responding to each others’ tweets angrily for weeks now, arguing about doctored images, and the true meaning of fascism. He made me so angry, but to be honest, it was just nice to feel something. I’d wake up every morning excited to be enraged, wondering what preposterous conspiracy theory he was going to hurl my way this time. He had great references, and always knew how to push my buttons. I mean, sure, his grammar wasn’t always perfect, but we’re all typing fast, and nobody online is immune to a your/you’re blunder once in a while. I couldn’t help but smile at how much attention he was paying to me, and how long our angry conversations would go on. He even subtweeted me once. I wondered if deep down he was feeling the same way……

Then, it happened. His account got taken down. I scrambled, looking for a reason why, and then I saw several comedians tweeting about how Twitter was cracking down on bots. BOTS?!? No! What we had was real, I could feel it.Sure, his location was always “AmericaTowne,” but I figured he was just being ironic. I mean, what’s a social media account without some eye roll-worthy one-liners? I refuse to believe my entire relationship was a lie. I didn’t make this up in my head, he was there, and he was real. But what I couldn’t understand was why he just left all of a sudden. He kept saying all lives mattered, but I guess he wasn’t talking about mine because he never even said goodbye.

Part of me wants to go to Moscow to try and track him down, but the rest of me knows that they are not allowing Americans in because of how irresponsible our government has been about the Covid crisis. I guess I’ll just have to wait until there’s a vaccine, which he always said should be coming any day now…

