Adi Shankaracharya’s Curse To Nambudiri Brahmanas.

Sanjit Mahapatra
Hindu Podcast
Published in
2 min readSep 22, 2020

Concept: Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj

Credits: Sandeep Sehgal Ji

Let's talk about a Sanyasi and when his elder brother comes to meet him, there might be a dilemma whether to do pranam or not! Their Dharma will tell them to revere me (for the position of Sanyasi). But let’s say if his mother is alive and she comes to meet him then what? The highest position in this world is available to Brahmana, then to a Dandi Swami, then to Shankaracharya.

Now with their mother, it would be his responsibility to fall at her feet and greet her. It is prescribed “Danda” of a Sanyasi cannot bow to even the lower Devi-Devatas. “Danda” contains a lot of power of this universe and can bow only to prescribe Devi-Devatas as per scripture. But it is our responsibility that if the mother comes then even Shankaracharyas are bound to bow down. I am saying after listening to this order from Acharya.

Shankaracharyas are “Dandi Swamis” and can’t touch “Agni”(fire). Sanyasis renounce Shikha Sutra Agni to become a Sanyasi. Adi Shankaracharya Mahabhaga told his mother, “Mother! I am your only son but you should renounce me for the service of this great nation. Allow me to take Sanyasa. In the end, when you call me, I will appear and will fulfill your desires.” Shankaracharya was in Shringeri, his mother remembered him during her illness, Shankaracharya appeared before her without delay through the sky to his birthplace. His mother told him, “Even though you are a Sanyasi, still, you have to perform my Daah Sanskaar.” (Hindu rite after the death). Shankaracharya Ji heeded to her request even after the protest by people from his own community. Even after being a Sanyasi, the oath that had given to his mother, made him fulfill mother’s last wish, he performed Daah Sanskaar.

The Brahmins protested and didn’t offer Agni to the last rites, then Shankaracharya Ji arranged Agni from the hand of her mother, arranged money from somewhere, and performed Daah Sanskaar (last rites). That is when he gave a curse to Brahmanas of that village. “Just as I have been forced to do ‘Daah Sanskaar’ of my mother not in the smashana (rite ground) but outside the door of the house, the dead from your family will be burned in front of your house only from now. He gave this curse to those Nambudiri Brahmanas that the gyana (knowledge) of Vedas will vanish from their community.

This is a famous incident in the life of Adi Shankaracharya. Intelligent people can understand and act in this specific light when they are confused. It is very essential to understand scriptures properly. Namudaris could not get it properly and the episode of curse happened.

Narayana !!`

