Bhagwan and Secret of Avatars

Sanjit Mahapatra
Hindu Podcast
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2020

Concept: Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj

Credits: Natraj Maneshinde Ji

Why doesn’t Bhagwan descend to Earth? Once Bhagwan came as Rama, once as Krishna, once as Jesus Christ, once as Prophet Mohammad. Why is Bhagwan not coming now? This was a question asked by a Hindu to Jagad Guru Puri Peeth Shankaracharya.

There is nowhere to hear that Bhagwan descended as Avatar as Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammad? Here awareness is completely directionless, because, according to the Bible and Quran, Bhagwan is ‘Nirakara’ (formless), his ‘Avatar’ is not accepted as per their philosophy. Bhagwan’s messenger or son descends. This is their belief. You have asked this question by transcending their very belief. Another thing, if Bhagwan takes ‘Avatar’ now, do you have the capacity to bear him?

How many people can bear him? How many of them would not be a recipient of Bhagwan’s ‘Sudarshan Chakra’ and ‘Gada’? (Weapons of Bhagwan Vishnu having different meanings) Thus, Bhagwan takes ‘Avatar’ at the appropriate time. Bhagwan inspires his saints and devotees, who are his instruments using which he implements his work. Bhagwan has never denied us from making attempts following the purpose of his ‘Avatar’. We all make attempts to fulfill the duties passed down to us by our fathers and grandfathers. When Bhagwan takes Avatar, he goes through a lot of sufferings to protect ‘Vipra’ (Brahmana), ‘Dhenu’ (Cow), ‘Sura’ (Devata), ‘Sant’ (Saint). We ought to take inspiration from Bhagwan’s Avatar. It is our duty that we, in the name of Bhagwan, never see ‘Gau Mata’ (mother cow) being troubled; make efforts for the protection of ‘Gau Mata’ and ‘Dharma’.

Bhagwan can never go wrong. Shrimad Bhagwat presents a point. Hiranyakashyapu troubled Prahlad a lot. Bhagwan is incarnated as ‘Nrisimha’ only at the appropriate time. But Bhagwan, with all humility, said one thing, “Though I have manifested before you by taking the right time into consideration, please pardon me if you feel I have arrived late”. What does this mean?

Bhagwan appeared as Nrisimha only at the right time. Prahlad was also aware of this. He did not complain Bhagwan for this. You and I may complain that Bhagwan is taking the time to get incarnated. But have we ever summoned Bhagwan with the utmost sincerity? Have we ever asked Bhagwan for the strength and ability to facilitate the purpose of Bhagwan’s ‘Avatar’?

Bhagwan never goes wrong…It is we, who commit mistakes.

In the name of Bhagwan, we shouldn’t tolerate the degradation of our ‘Sanatana-Mana-Bindus’ (Basics behind the Sanatana Dharma, points to be observed as a Hindu). We must be pro-active in protecting our ‘Mana-Bindus’. Particularly the good men must accept ‘Ishwara Bala (strength of God ) is above all. They should accept ‘Dharma Bala’ in the middle and ‘Sangh Bala’ (organization of believers) below. Without these, we will get crushed. The good men must have ‘Ishwara’, ’Dharma’, and ‘Sangha’ ‘Bala’. (accumulate the power of God-Dharma-Organization) Only then the ‘Sanatana-Mana-Bindus’ can be protected.

Bhagwan Vishnu was incarnated as Bhagwan Rama. Before Rama’s birth, there was so much of tyranny. Sage Vashistha and Vishwamitra could have complained to Bhagwan saying, “You took a lot of time to incarnate. You should have come sooner.” Even in the times of Kansa and Duryodhana, there was a lot of despotism, but none of the ‘saints’ complained to Bhagwan Krishna saying, “You should have come sooner.” Bhagwan arrives at the right time. When “Cataracts” ripe, surgeons operate. Before this stage, they did not conduct the operation. It is a similar situation before the incarnation. The mistakes are committed only by us. If your heart aches truly in the current situation, it is a good thing. Let’s work together. As I have said resort to ‘sangha Bala’ utilizing well-intended conversations and facilitate the protection of our ‘Mana-Bindus’.

Narayana !!`

